If You Want A Relationship That Lasts Forever, Find A Love That Makes You Feel Like This
Rowan Kyle

If You Want A Relationship That Lasts Forever, Find A Love That Makes You Feel Like This

If you want your relationship to last a lifetime, you need to find someone who fits you perfectly. This person should do more than give you butterflies. They should evoke these special feelings below:

Find someone who makes you feel like you have what it takes to succeed. Your partner shouldn’t be the sole source of your confidence – but they should enhance your confidence. They should push you to chase after your dreams. They should remind you that you have what it takes to succeed in every area of your world.

Find someone who makes you laugh out loud. Someone who has a similar sense of humor. Someone who always knows the right words to cheer you up. Someone that you can have a good time with, even if you’re only going to the grocery store or putting together furniture. Someone you consider a real friend. Your best friend.

Find someone who makes you want to get as close as possible. Someone who you have trouble keeping your hands off. Someone who you find absolutely adorable. Someone who fulfills you physically as well as emotionally.

Find someone who makes you feel comfortable. Someone that you can be your real self in front of. Someone who appreciates the authentic, unfiltered you. Someone who doesn’t make you feel like you need to tiptoe around their feelings to avoid an explosion. Someone you can talk to about absolutely anything, with nothing off-limits. Someone who you don’t have to pretend around because they love you for who you actually are.

Find someone who makes you feel secure. Someone who doesn’t leave you with a million unanswered questions. Someone who is open and honest with you instead of telling you what you want to hear. Someone who takes their commitment to you seriously, so you never have to wonder whether they are going to remain loyal. You know they will.

Find someone who makes you excited for what the future holds. Someone who you can’t wait to go on a million little adventures alongside. Someone who you are eager to move in with, go on vacation with, and wake up with in bed. Someone who makes you look forward to the future but also cherish the present.

Find someone who makes you feel understood. Someone who gets you. Someone who isn’t going to judge you for saying the wrong thing or making a silly little mistake. Someone who might not relate to exactly what you’ve gone through in the past but who tries their best to understand and be there for you. Someone who is always willing to listen and learn.

Find someone who makes you feel appreciated. Someone who values all the contributions you make to the relationship. Someone who always voices those three little words and reminds you how much you mean to them. Someone who always acknowledges the hard work you’re doing, the effort you’re putting in.

Find someone who makes you feel loved. Someone who rises above your expectations. Someone who would never make you feel like a burden or an inconvenience. Someone who considers you a real teammate. Their best friend. Their lover.