If They Only Give You The Bare Minimum, You Need To Let Them Go
The bare minimum is not impressive, it is a baseline. It simply consists of the basics such as texting you back or remembering your birthday or not cheating on you. Essentially, the bare minimum are things that your partner should be doing, meaning it doesn’t take much effort to provide. Not to mention, it definitely isn’t enough to sustain a healthy relationship.
Someone who only gives you the bare minimum and nothing more is not someone you want to be with because this is not a person who is invested in you or your relationship. And if you’re giving someone your all and they only feel the desire to give you the bare minimum or maybe even less, you need to know that you deserve more. And frankly, they don’t deserve you anyway.
Letting go of someone who only gives you the bare minimum is not a loss, even though it may feel that way at first. Instead, it is giving yourself a chance, a chance to find someone who will finally give you the love and care you are meant for.
If they only give you the bare minimum, you need to let them go.