How To Glow Up After A Breakup
Going through a breakup can be hard. It can uproot a lot of feelings: hurt, sadness, defeat, confusion, loss, frustration, grief, and anger. Even so, going through a breakup can also be an opportunity for personal growth and transformation.
Give yourself all the time you need to grieve the relationship and heal. And then, glow up. Become the best version of you.
Here are some tips to help you glow up after a breakup:
Pamper yourself.
When the breakup first happens, you mind find yourself in bed, in the dark, surrounded by tissues. You can’t get up and you can’t stop crying. That’s okay — feel that grief! But once you’ve run out of tears, get up and move your body. Pamper yourself. Get your hair done. Treat yourself to a facial or a massage. Go to the nail salon and get a mani/pedi. Take a yoga class or incorporate a hot girl walk into your daily routine. Eat your favorite meal and drink lots of water. Buy a new outfit. Spoil yourself with some TLC.
Practice self-love and self-compassion.
Everyone’s healing process is different. No matter what kind of healing journey you’re on, just be patient with yourself. Be compassionate towards yourself. Celebrate your achievements. Say kind words to yourself in the mirror. Treat yourself with kindness.
Date yourself.
Maybe your ex was one of those losers who gave you the bare minimum and never you the love and respect and care you deserve. Good riddance! Now you can take care of you. Now you can give yourself the love, care, devotion, and respect you want, need, and deserve.
Go out for a solo dinner. Get all the fixings for a cozy movie night at home — candy, popcorn, a fuzzy blanket. Buy yourself flowers. Tell yourself in the mirror, “you look beautiful today.”
Do the emotional work.
Maybe you’re done with the grieving. Maybe you’re not sad or hurt by the breakup anymore. That’s great, but that doesn’t mean the emotional work is done.
Now is the time to reflect.
Take this opportunity to journal about any lessons you learned, patterns or behaviors you noticed, what you didn’t get from this relationship, and what you do want from a future relationship.
Set new goals and rediscover yourself.
Focus on areas of your life that you want to improve or explore. Do you want to go back to school? Do you want to get that promotion at work? Do you want to start taking yoga classes twice a week? Do you want to take up a creative hobby? Having a goal can provide you with a sense of purpose and your mind will be preoccupied with that, not with your heartbreak.
Use this period to reconnect with yourself, too. Rediscover your passions. Explore new hobbies or revisit old ones. Whatever it is, make sure it fills you with a sense of fulfillment and joy.
Focus on personal growth.
Let’s be honest, oftentimes when we’re in a relationship we forget about our personal goals and aspirations. We stop growing. We’re so preoccupied with our partner and growing as a couple, not so much as an individual person.
But now, you are no longer tethered to someone who was hindering your growth. Use this time to recenter yourself and invest in yourself again. Explore new skills and take up new hobbies. Read self-help books. Attend classes that align with your interests. Embrace new experiences. Step outside of your comfort zone. Allow yourself to learn, evolve, and become the best version of yourself.
Remember: you should be going through this breakup glow-up for you. This is not to get back at your ex to show them what they’ve lost. Doing this for you is the best way to move on.