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How This Week’s Full Moon In Cancer Will Impact You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Think back to where you were and what you were doing around July 17th, 2023. It might seem as though the past six months took a lot out of us, and after one of the craziest summers we’ve had in recent memory, it’s not hard to imagine that some of you can barely remember what was happening in your life during Cancer season.

However, whether you intended to or not, you began sowing something that will be reaped now. On December 26th, the full moon occurs at 4° of the emotionally intuitive and sensitive water sign Cancer.

Full moons, as you might know, are times of revelation, insight, and prosperity. The impacts will be felt a few days before and after the full moon goes exact. In this case, that means that yes, we will be spending Christmas under the influence of this lunar transit, which might make things a little extra chaotic this year.

What is going to come to fruition under the light of the full moon this year? Your mileage may vary depending on personal placements in your natal chart, but here is a rough forecast based on your rising sign alone.


The full moon illuminates your fourth house of home and family—your literal and psychological origins. As many of you will be back at home amongst your relatives, you might experience this as a transformation in your relationship with a relative: an elderly grandparent moving out of their home into a long-term care facility, a property being gifted to a grandchild, or a sibling announcing they’re buying their first home. You, too, could be making a big move around this time of year.


Revelations surrounding your local community, siblings, and neighbors are more than likely under the influence of the full moon in your third house. With extended family members gathered for the holidays, this might be the time a cousin, brother, or sister announces a big major life change, like a pregnancy or an engagement, that you suspected was coming back in the summer. Family will likely be more openly communicative and voluntarily emotional.


If you’ve been negotiating a pay raise or promotion since the summer, you might get some good news today. The full moon highlights your second house of income and values, putting you in an excellent position to take on more responsibility at work. Many of you have likely been struggling to find a healthy balance between work, life, and family—and you might be shocked by how willing your boss is to work with you to find a comfortable routine. You might start working from home more often, which gives you the time you need to start your own side hustle in the new year.


Your first house of identity and physical appearance is lit up during this full moon, drawing attention to your body and your own self-perception. Some of you may have started stepping out into the public eye more often back in the summer, while others decided to try influencing. Now you’ll start seeing the rewards: in the form of a viral video, a brand deal, or an offer to get some new professional photos taken. If you’ve taken the right steps, you’ll be noticed by people who can help you make serious moves in your career—but if you’ve fumbled, you might get attention for the wrong reasons.


The full moon in your twelfth house of secrecy and the subconscious is likely to bring mysterious and fascinating dreams, so if you don’t keep a journal by your bed, you might want to pull up your Notes app and quickly jot down what you remember. This is a hyper-spiritual time for you, but you could also experience painful reminders of a mental health journey that began back in July. Some of you are hitting the six-month period of sobriety or celebrating half a year free from self-harm. Spend time with your mom or a mother figure around this time and remind yourself that you’ve come a long way.


Your social world is about to come alive with the full moon in your eleventh house of community and networking, providing you with a very public opportunity to schmooze with people you admire deeply—particularly powerful women and mothers. If you started a new job back in July, you’ve probably spent the last six months climbing the ladder, and you’re in a good position to step into a better position amongst a group of like-minded colleagues who can elevate you to success.


Your career and reputation have been under review over the last six months, but you’re about to learn where you stand. The full moon in your tenth house will bring revelations regarding your public image and how you are perceived by the world at large. If you’ve been making strides to rebrand, this will be the time when it becomes clear whether your efforts are actually working. Those of you who have been loose-lipped might run into trouble; be wary of old missteps coming back to haunt you. Communities of women are likely to be vengeful towards you if they feel you have wronged them in some way.


Whether you joined a new religious community or moved abroad six months ago, you’re reaching the stage now where you’ll decide whether you want to commit. The full moon in your ninth house is drawing attention to everything involving culture and ideology, but some of you surely learned the hard way that you can accidentally join a cult. You might realize it’s time to leave a toxic community behind, even if they presented a warm and nurturing exterior and you were drawn in for a time.


A full moon in the eighth house is always going to feel especially intense, since it represents all manner of death and rebirth. If you’ve been shouldering responsibility for someone else’s finances or future, such as an elderly relative or a partner, you might finally be relieved of this burden as this particularly painful karmic cycle comes to an end. Show love to elderly women in your family, as well as new moms—they’re carrying a lot of responsibility that they don’t always show.


Six months into a relationship, you might be feeling ready to move in together or become exclusive. With the full moon in your seventh house, you and your partner are either going to end a cyclical period together or move into the next chapter of your relationship together. The likelihood that many of you will start cohabitating, or pool your resources to buy your first home, is very high. This is the time to start setting down roots.


The full moon in your sixth house will remind you of any physical or mental health issues you’ve been ignoring since July, but the majority of you will finally feel a sense of relief after six months of struggle. There is particular emphasis on health problems associated with the female reproductive system. You might receive the diagnosis you’ve been seeking for months, or you might be approved for a medical procedure you didn’t think you could afford. Those who have been trying to conceive could also receive good news—if not a positive pregnancy test, then the possibility to try an alternative, like fertility supplements.


The fifth house rules creativity, short-term affairs, and children—this full moon could activate any of these themes. If you’ve been trying to launch a new creative project, now might be the moment it kicks off. If you’ve been waiting for a ring from your long-time partner, it might finally come. And for those of you who have been trying for a baby, it’s definitely a possibility that you’ll receive some news worth celebrating.