How Each Zodiac Sign Deals with Their Sadness (Or Keeps It Private)
Aries expresses their sadness through rage and anger. This sign becomes even more fiery than usual when they’re “going through it.” They become easily angered by situations and circumstances which normally wouldn’t get them all worked up. It becomes hard for them to cope with their daily routine and normal habits. The Ram will succumb to extreme impulsivity and redirect their emotions into partaking in risky behaviors. Aries will do just about anything to avoid processing their feelings—especially if they have been scorned.
Taurus may come off as tough, and although there is truth to their strength, this zodiac sign is also sensitive. Deep down Taurus is a huge softie. When they’re hurt—especially from betrayal—it has a profound impact on them. Taurus needs space and time alone to process their feelings on their own. When they’re sad, they hide and isolate and retreat into their “depression den.” They’ll binge eat, watch comfort movies, and stay under their blankets for days. When those who care about them force them to interact they become furious. If they go out into the world before feeling ready, it’s easy for them to lose their patience with others.
Gemini detaches and dissociates. They refuse to “wallow” and tirelessly attempt to run away from their sadness. This zodiac sign will do everything and anything to distract themselves. Sometimes this ends up backfiring and placing them in a darker place than they were to begin with. They become reticent and usually the only telltale sign that they’re struggling is that they’re more silent than usual. Eventually they might let one trusted person in, but more often than not they deflect their feelings through their humor and charisma.
Cancer is not afraid to express their emotions. This zodiac sign is comfortable putting their sadness on full display. Even those with a tough exterior who would choose to hide it can’t because they’re so emotionally and physically affected by whatever is triggering them. They’ll try not to but can’t help but dwell. Cancer will pick themselves apart and even blame themselves. They will go over and over why and how they could have avoided the situation causing them heartache. You’ll know they need you because they’re not afraid to ask for a shoulder to cry on.
Leo is notorious for being the most theatrical sign of the zodiac, and even their sadness doesn’t remain untouched by their dramatics. You know when Leo is going through it because they’re passionate even about their heartache, providing full emotional transparency. Leo will break down in front of others in the hope that they’ll get the cheering on and consolement that they require. Leo needs their ego stroked more than ever when they’re down in the dumps. They’re extremely needy when they’re sad. This sign also becomes increasingly wound-up, tense, and short-tempered.
Virgo checks out from the world and their friends—they don’t feel the desire or energy to talk to anyone. They completely shut down and stop responding. In their isolation, their compulsions become heightened—they obsessively clean, work, organize, etc. The only thing that remotely brings them any comfort is keeping themselves busy however they can and remaining efficient. If they stop for too long, they overanalyze the situation bringing them pain, and even become self-critical of themselves for putting themselves in such a position.
Sadness evokes feelings of instability, imbalance, and disharmony in Libra. They don’t deal easily when going through it. In fact, this sign feels hopeless when they’re sad, heartbroken, or experiencing any form of emotional pain. This zodiac sign will stop socializing as often as they typically do. They may even stop communicating with friends and loved ones. When they are around others, they try with all their might to keep their composure. Libra is a big believer of “fake it until you make it,” but those closest to them can tell something is wrong. Friends of Libra can see through their facade. They know that Libra’s attempts to focus on others is their way of deflecting.
Scorpio becomes withdrawn and isolated from others. This highly sensitive water sign feels everything on a more profound level than others. Sadness for them isn’t just sadness—it’s an intense melancholy. They’re uneasy when going through it and experience extreme and even violent mood swings. Scorpio can’t cope with the unbearable heaviness. Their thoughts become darker—dark even for them. Usually they try to find comfort in things that might only end up hurting them or causing them regret in the end.
Even the happiest, brightest, and most optimistic zodiac sign is prone to intense feelings of sadness. When Sag is struggling they try to manage their pain through escapism. They occupy themselves with fun, traveling, and even more socializing—anything to distract them from their emotions. One of the only telltale signs that a Sag is sad is that they appear uncharacteristically more tense than usual. They’ll lie to your face and tell you nothing is wrong, but you’ll be able to tell because they appear more impatient and intolerant than is usual for them. Behind closed doors, this sign is lethargic, unmotivated, and keeps trying to rationalize away their pain.
Capricorn becomes stoic and attempts to hide their sadness. They push it down so deep within themselves and force themselves to “go through the motions” and keep up with their routine. However, they struggle because heartache makes them lose motivation. Instead of talking about it, they force themselves to get back on track and to work away the pain. They avoid their feelings at all costs and only end up making themselves even sadder. Eventually, they pick the situation—and themselves—apart. You can tell when Cap is going through it, because even if they try to deny it, the sign appears tense and acts hyper-vigilant.
When Aquarius is sad, they become even harder to reach because they isolate themselves to hide their emotions. This zodiac sign isn’t comfortable with expressing, or even feeling, what they feel. They refuse to talk about it or even process it themselves. Instead, they attempt to put all that energy elsewhere and compartmentalize. When they do socialize, they fake it in front of others. It’s actually very difficult to tell when Aquarius is going through it. You’ll only know if they trust you enough to open up and admit it.
Extremely sensitive Pisces feels everything when they’re sad, taking a walk down memory lane and reminiscing on everything and everyone who has ever hurt them. They’ll ruminate and obsessively overthink the situation, going through how things could have ended up different. Pisces isn’t afraid to show their sadness and will break down and cry whenever they feel the need. The good thing is that despair sparks the Piscean imagination and eventually Pisces will channel their negative emotions through creativity.