Daniella Urdinlaiz

How Each Zodiac Sign Can Harness The Magic Of The New Moon On 1/11


The Capricorn New Moon will be in your tenth house of success and will be squaring off with the nodes of fates. You might find yourself at a crossroads regarding your career and purpose. Take time to meditate, seek clarity, and listen to your inner voice calling you to your truest ambitions and aspirations. This New Moon is an ideal time to be courageous and make the change you need to make to align you with your higher purpose. This may involve a new path, leaving behind current commitments, a professional change, or advocating for yourself in the workplace. Use this New Moon to organize your thoughts, visualize yourself where you want to be, and to start taking action. Send out prospecting emails, pitch a new idea to your boss, raise your rates, and just breathe. You’re about to achieve so much more, Aries.


This New Moon will be illuminating your ninth house of philosophy, travel, higher-learning, perspective, and spirituality. It will be calling you to broaden your horizons, to maybe travel, and to definitely go on an adventure. Use this New Moon to step outside your comfort zone and shake up your routine. January 11th’s New Moon is also blessing you abundantly with luck, so now is a time to set your intentions for the year. What do you want to manifest in your career, in your personal life, and in love, Taurus? Everything you send out into the universe on this New Moon can become yours. Don’t limit yourself. This is a time for expansion, and in order to achieve it you must be willing to embrace change and step into the unknown. Listen to what’s calling to your soul and spirit at this time. 


The Capricorn new moon is powering your eighth house of transformation, sex, intimacy, death, rebirth, wealth, and mystery. It’s blessing you with the empowerment to say goodbye to the things you should leave behind to step into a new and better version of yourself. Your desires and goals are worth manifesting, Gemini—in finance and in love. Major plans for the future can be realized if you set your intentions now and if you’re willing to rid yourself of the dead weight. You are on the cusp of an incredible personal evolution, you just have to take action. Think of ways to build more income and dedicate yourself to those endeavors over the next few months. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this New Moon is also a perfect time to rev up your sex life. Familiarize yourself with your deepest sexual desires. 


This New Moon will be affecting your seventh house of long-term relationships, partnership, business, marriage, balance, and harmony. Take time to reflect on all your committed partnerships—in romance and in your professional life. Consider how some of these relationships may be taking away from your higher power, causing you disrespect, or adding unnecessary stress and tension into your life. Bring those aspects to the surface and advocate for yourself. This is also a time to ignite your connection with fulfilling relationships and to let go of any resentments. If you’re single, you may have some luck when it comes to sparks flying with someone new—someone with long-term potential. You never know, if you remain open-minded you may find a lasting love. Don’t disregard anyone who piques your interest just because they’re different from the kind of suitor you usually go for. 


January 11th’s New Moon is calling you to adopt or re-adopt any habits beneficial for your highest good. What do you need to be incorporating into your daily life that is conducive to your success at work and to your mental health? This New Moon is powering your sixth house of self-improvement, health, wellness, daily routine, service, work, and healing. It’s a great time to start practicing rituals that dictate your wellbeing. You should also be thinking of ways of standing out at work and taking on more responsibilities. Personally and professionally speaking, this is a perfect opportunity to be proactive in your self-improvement. It shouldn’t be all work and no play, however. Set aside some time for self-care, Leo. 


January 11th for your zodiac sign is an invitation to create and practice self-expression. What truth do you need to bring to light? What desire or emotion do you need to shout from the mountaintops? What beauty are you keeping locked away that you need to bring out into the world? Give into your imagination and follow the path where inspiration leads you. Your fifth house of desire, pleasure, individuality, creativity, child-like musings, and hobbies is being activated. Connect with your inner-child and seek out the passions you’ve neglected for so long. This is also a good time to plan how to be in the spotlight over the next several months. Does it involve a makeover? New clothes? Rebranding your business? A whole new look? You may also find yourself in the mood for some romance or casual dating if you’re single. Go wherever your heart (or body) may lead you. 


January 11th is a good time to reconnect with your roots and set new ones into the ground. The sector of your home, private life, family, traditions, and emotional and psychological foundations is being activated. If you’ve been considering changing your environment, moving, or revamping your living space, now is a good time to start. Take action now to let the universe know that your home is your sacred place. This New Moon is also a great time for cleaning and sprucing up your space, as well as having friends and family over to connect. Who haven’t you seen in a while? Who do you want to reconnect? A simple phone call could do.


This New Moon is a perfect time to initiate conversations that are enlightening, you’ve been avoiding, or that ask any burning questions you’ve had on your mind. It’s time to gain the truth and to speak the truth. Your sector of communication, sharing, connection, perception, interaction, and mindset is being activated by the Capricorn New Moon. It’s time to be heard, Scorpio—this also means presenting your ideas and making your intentions known. Don’t hold back, especially when it comes to refusing to settle for your current surroundings. Use this time to express how you’ve been feeling, what you’ve been desiring, and all that you’ve learned. Don’t let anyone else create your story. 


Sag, put yourself out there on this Capricorn New Moon, whether this means asking for a raise, reaching out to a potential new client, applying for a promotion, or finally starting that side hustle. Now is also an ideal day to reassess your budget or open up a savings account. Be cognizant that right now your second house of resources and resourcefulness, possessions, values, material desires, self-worth, and material security is powering up. However, it’s important to remember that wealth doesn’t only come from money and financial security. Take some time to think about the important riches of your life, like your sense of self-worth, your faith in yourself, and your attitude. You need a good mindset to accomplish everything you want to do this year. 


This will be the most crucial New Moon of the year for you, Capricorn. Step into your power on this New Moon and reinstate your faith in yourself. You hold the power to create the life you’ve always envisioned and to make each and every one of your dreams come true. Anything can happen as long as you stay focused on your personal and professional goals. Set your resolutions for the new year if you haven’t already. Create a vision board. Write down a list of your “ins” and “outs” for 2024. Meditate on what routines, habits, or people have been holding you back. Now is the time to start anew and wipe the slate clean if you must. 


Your twelfth house of the subconscious, dreams, hidden desires, fantasies, secrets, and fears is being activated with this Capricorn New Moon. This New Moon is arriving to help amplify your intentions and to motivate you to go after your heart’s true desires. You need to rest, relax, and recharge. Meditate, visualize, and brainstorm what you want to manifest in the coming year. Set the goals you want to work hard to come into fruition. Listen to any bursts of creativity you may have on this day. Connect with your imagination and creativity. Don’t resist your passions, Aquarius. It’s now or never. 


Your eleventh house of wishes, friendships, humanitarian endeavors, charity, community, group involvement and global awareness is being illuminated this January 11th. This day is a splendid day to socialize and get out there. There’s a high chance of meeting new friends and forging new bonds that could become lasting—maybe even sparking a romantic connection that will evolve into something more serious. Don’t hole up at home today. Go to happy hour after you’ve clocked out, make plans with friends to meet you at the newest hip bar in your neighborhood, or even get on a dating app and make plans with someone new. It’s also a good time to touch base with your professional connections and network. Don’t forget to look into philanthropic causes in your community. The universe always rewards those who are generous with their effort, time, and money.