How Each Zodiac can Overcome Their Current Obstacles To Success, According To A Tarot Reader
Your Card: Ace of Pentacles
The beginning is a time to make sure the balances are correct – and you have a lot of new opportunities you’re establishing. Something you’ve been dreaming about, hoping for, and talking about is just on your horizon, and it’s time to let the rubber meet the road. The beginning is also a time of optimism and enthusiasm – use that to create a strong foundation for yourself. Take some time to plan how to best use your focus and energy and resources to achieve your goals. You have exciting prospects, Take the time to make sure any risks you take are calculated.
Your Card: 6 of Cups
Reconnect with your past, Taurus. There’s an answer, or a support system, that will help you overcome some of the challenges you’re facing. You’ve lived an interesting life, and there are lessons that you’ve already learned that will aid you. Allow yourself to look back and acknowledge just how far you’ve come, and how you’ve grown. Taking time to share memories and connection with friends or loved ones will help you overcome what you’re facing. The past will serve as a powerful reminder of what you value. Return to your roots, and you’ll see how to flourish.
Your Card: 5 of Wands, Reversed
Competition can be healthy or it can drive us towards comparison, robbing us of perspective and ultimately joy. Don’t allow your competitive feelings to get the better of you and unnecessarily stir a pot of emotions, Gemini. Instead allow the success of others to serve as an inspiration for you, instead of a point of self-judgment. Allow the competitive feelings you have to drive you to excel – try to reframe the challenges and obstacles you face as opportunities to hone your skills. Consider how you can use healthy competition to drive you forward.
Your Card: Knight of Cups
It’s time to get out of your own way and let yourself love as passionately as your heart wants you to. This could be about a relationship, an idea, or a new venture. Allow yourself to feel that love fully and passionately. It can be scary to feel so much overwhelming excitement, but it’s that enthusiasm and joyful adoration that is going to carry you over the obstacles you currently face. You’re on the cusp of an intense, emotional experience if you can allow yourself to feel your way through it.
Your Card: The Empress
There is a lot of creativity around you right now, Leo. The most important thing you can do for yourself to overcome the challenges and obstacles you face is take a moment to consider what areas of your life could best use focus and cultivation. With so much creative energy it’s just a matter of the best application of it! Consider what your goals are, and what needs to be protected in order for you to be able to achieve them. Become a caretaker for what is working, and use your protective and nurturing spirit to your advantage. Uplift the good around you.
Your Card: Knight of Pentacles
You need to take a moment and ground yourself. That’s great news, since it means the best way to overcome your current challenges and obstacles comes naturally to you as an earth sign, Virgo! While Tarot knights are action-oriented, the Knight of Pentacles is a sign to build slowly and methodically from your established base and routines. Lean into that solid foundation that you’ve created – it’s a strong starting point for you. Evaluate where you are feeling strong, and where you could use support. If you’re feeling vulnerable, how can you use your solid foundation to your advantage?
Your Card: 7 of Cups
You have a world of possibilities in front of you and the choice is overwhelming, Libra. Luckily, you don’t have to choose right away. Remain steadfast in seeking all of the information available so you can make the right decision for you. It’s time to do a deep dive into all the possible options and allow yourself the time to pick the best one. As you explore all of your avenues and consider the pros and cons, you may even dream up even more options! Trust this process and give it the time and space it needs.
Your Card: 2 of Cups
You’re feeling an undeniable attraction towards someone or something, Scorpio, and it’s time to use that to your advantage.This magical connection is just the first step! Perhaps the attraction you are feeling is toward deepening a connection, or it could be the enticing pull of a new relationship. Nurture this relationship, and allow that excitement and energy of coming together help you overcome the challenges you are facing. Many things are best when they are shared, and this is especially true when you share with those who are kindred spirits.
Your Card: 8 of Swords, Reversed
It’s hard to feel like the ties that bind are actually ties that trap you, and how you’re feeling is reminiscent of how you’ve felt so many times before.While this may be true, it’s exactly that narrative that could keep you stuck and feeling as if you can’t see the options or how to move ahead. Feeling trapped is especially hard for you, Sagittarius. What areas in particular leave you feeling this way? Remember that the stories we tell ourselves are powerful. Instead of feeling trapped in a past situation, ask yourself what within the story of your past could help you the most right now?
Your Card: King of Wands
The tried and true paths tread by others haven’t been serving you, and it’s time for you to create your own destiny. You have plenty of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit – the trick will be cultivating a deep understanding of exactly what it is you’re seeking. If you could have your perfect life, what would it look like? What exactly would you be doing? Who could help you get there? You have the drive, you have the discipline – take time to find the best direction. Once armed with the answers to these questions, there will be no stopping your relentless forward progress.
Your Card: Page of Swords
Guard yourself carefully. Don’t give in to impulse, and be exacting in your evaluation of who to allow in your inner circle right now, Aquarius. Ask as many questions as you can and gather as much information as you can. You need to be alert and prepared, and not fly into a situation without all the facts. Lessons abound, and it’s important that you’re open to synthesizing them with your worldview to get the fullest picture possible. There are a lot of opportunities around you, but you still need to gather information to be certain of where to best apply yourself and your energy.
Your Card: King of Cups
Your compassion and ability to empathize will be central in overcoming your obstacles, Pisces – luckily, your cup runneth over in this regard. Look also at how you can apply this boundless compassion to yourself and nurture your best aspects. Leadership can mean many things, and the most effective leadership you can offer in this situation is grounded in emotional intelligence. This is a time to allow your feelings to take the lead and use them to navigate through the situation you’re facing. Your generosity and diplomacy will serve you well, and will help you see a solution to your problem that you might have initially missed.