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Horoscope For Today: Thursday, March 13, 2024

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The cosmos are heightened with activity today as the waxing moon moves through Virgo and heads into a lunar eclipse, while the Sun connects with Saturn, the planet of responsibilities, discipline, and karmic lessons. In astrology, eclipses are moments that fast-track us towards our own destiny by bringing about big changes, opening and closing doors to nudge us in the direction we’re meant to be going. This lunar eclipse in Virgo comes into fullness at the end of the day today (or early tomorrow, depending on your timezone!), with Saturn in Pisces sitting directly across from the Moon, which means that we’ll spend the day feeling the tension of this eclipse building up.

With this eclipse under the rulership of Mercury in Aries, who is preparing to station retrograde as it sits right alongside an already-retrograde Venus, there’s an air of urgency to speak out on feelings and values we’ve been struggling with. While communication will definitely serve as an important tool to help us navigate this eclipse, it’s important to bear in mind that we may find ourselves revisiting these conversations again down the road. This eclipse also places the moon in a supportive, flowing trine with Uranus in Taurus. As Uranus is the planet of disruption, sudden inspiration and change, and breaking the status quo, this day is sure to be anything but bland and typical. This eclipse is bringing our attention to the limitations we feel ourselves pressing up against and what can no longer abide when it comes to how we tend to and nurture our own dreams as we work to bring them into being in our material world.

All of that to say, it’s a big day for all 12 signs as we all prepare to flow with a Virgoan sense of practicality towards change and lessons around where our destiny intertwines with our own visions and dreams. Read on to find out exactly what today’s astrology means for your sign, and be sure to read for your sun and rising sign!


For you Aries, this lunar eclipse is illuminating the part of your birth chart that represents the connection between our mundane, day to day and our deep, internal selves that connects us to our own subconscious, dreams, and spirituality. Today the moon is illuminating your need to look at the reality of your day-to-day life and the ways it isn’t matching up with your own greater vision of the life you dream of. This may look like bringing scrutiny to certain habits that aren’t serving your own well-being, giving up too much of your time and energy to a day job that isn’t fulfilling, or simply not focusing enough on tending to your own body and wellness on a daily basis. The last couple of years have been full of changes and shifts in major areas of your life, and it’s time to start bringing attention towards what it means to meet those changes and serve your own bigger picture on a practical, daily level in a consistent, disciplined way.


Taurus, you’re amidst a big moment of deep introspection and re-evaluating your own values as we move through the retrograde of your own ruler, Venus. If you’ve been pushing yourself a little too much to be social and extroverted lately, it may be time to retreat into solitude and take some time to yourself to think about what peace looks and feels like for you when it’s cultivated from deep within. As you head towards our lunar eclipse in Virgo the part of your chart representing creativity, pleasure, and self-expression is being illuminated. This lunar eclipse is asking you to release the notions of what those things ‘should’ be to you and centering performing them ‘perfectly,’ in favor of embracing a version of pleasure, creativity, and joy that feels nourishing to you.


For you, Gemini, this lunar eclipse is particularly sensitive as it draws your attention to your relationship with the foundations of your life and whether you have the security you need to truly pursue your greater goals and ambitions. You may find yourself confronted with the need for some major changes when it comes to your home and private life, and while these kinds of changes are certainly never easy to navigate, they ultimately stand to lead you towards sturdier foundations to grow and thrive from. As we sit just a couple of days away from our first Mercury retrograde of the year, you’re preparing to head into a moment of making big revisions around what is and isn’t working in your life. With that in mind, this eclipse is asking you to bring your attention to what it’s time to let go of, so you can enter that period of revision with fresh eyes around how you can rearrange your life accordingly.


Lunar eclipses are generally intense experiences for everyone, but being that you are the moon-ruled sign, Cancer, this is an especially sensitive moment for you. So far your 2025 has been characterized by frustrating feelings of stagnation and lack of momentum, but this lunar eclipse is here to wiggle things loose and get things moving. Today’s a great day to lean into spiritual practices and connection within your own community, or particularly look towards ways you can be of service in your own local community. You may also feel called to release some thoughts that have been building up internally and approach some conversations you’ve been needing to have, especially with friends, siblings, or loved ones. Just know that any conversations you have now may need to be revisited again down the road in order to get the full picture.


Ok, Leo, I know Pisces season is annually a challenging time of year for you as the sun moves through your 8th house, a space much more concerned with the shadows you cast over the way you shine. This lunar eclipse in Virgo is an invitation to release the notions of your own worth that you hold on to that are perhaps casting bigger shadows than you realize. In other words, what ideas do you cling to about yourself that may be a little bit more harmful than helpful, to both yourself and others in your life? This lunar eclipse is also asking you to bring your attention to your own finances–what difficult lessons have you learned over the last couple of years when it comes to your personal finances and what notions and beliefs around money is it time for you to let go of?


This lunar eclipse is falling in your own sign, Virgo, so you’ll certainly be feeling things very acutely. You’re currently at the beginning of a 2 year chapter of your life that demands you to release the parts of yourself and your identity that are no longer serving your greater story. The good news, Virgo, is that you are a master editor. If there is one thing you excel at, it’s looking at something holistically and determining the exact purpose and function each of the details lends to that bigger picture. The challenge here is that you have a tendency to extend that very gift to everything around you before recognizing that you deserve that attention too. Mercury, the ruler of your sign and this eclipse, sits closely to Venus, the planet of values and worth. This serves as encouragement to dig deep into the values you hold to determine which of those are truly yours and which ones have been thrust onto you by others. You may find this a deeply helpful jumping off point in determining what parts of yourself it’s time to let go of.


A lot has been up for revision for you lately, as your sign’s ruler, Venus, has been moving through its retrograde journey, creating a sense of uncertainty and possibly even a restless need for change. As we spend today moving into a lunar eclipse in Virgo, you’re being invited to consider how supporting your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being serves to bolster your ability to see to the mundane minutiae of constructing the change you desire through your day to day actions. While you have no trouble seeing or feeling that bigger picture of your own dreams, the challenge often lies in bringing your focus towards creating detailed, tangible results. It might sound a little bit cheesy, Libra, but bringing your focus towards the change you need internally stands to serve as a conduit for navigating and creating external change with more ease. Today is a day for finding peace in solitude, Libra, so put on a guided meditation and grab your journal to help facilitate the introspective journey you need.


While 2025 held a slow, frustrating start for you, Scorpio, you may feel like things are slowly starting to push forward once again, albeit, perhaps not at the pace you might like to see. Mars’s recent retrograde demanded you look deep within at your own internal motivations that fuel your goals and ambitions. This challenging process asked you to reconnect to your true desires and determine how you can better exert your energy to keep your goals aligned with your motivations. Now, as we head towards this lunar eclipse in Virgo, you’re being asked to consider what needs revision when it comes to your greater aspirations, hopes, and dreams. What greater hopes are your own goals feeding into? This eclipse is also asking you to take a look at your relationship to community and network. Do you feel the spaces you put yourself in are supportive of your greater aspirations? Do they embrace your unique gifts? While things have been slow-moving so far this year, this eclipse stands to fast-track you to a more refined vision of what it is you actually want.


For you, Sagittarius, this lunar eclipse in Virgo stands to bring about some big-picture changes in your life when it comes to your career and vocation. You’re amidst a period of reassessing your relationship to your own creativity, how you express yourself, and what feels authentic to you. As we reach this lunar eclipse in Virgo, you may find yourself considering the influence these matters hold over your career trajectory and how you can find more cohesion and a more fulfilling career path by using them as a guide in moving forward in your career. As the moon makes frictional contact with your sign’s ruler, Jupiter, today as it heads into fullness, ask yourself where you have been getting too bogged down by overthinking things lately and where you can let intuition guide the way.


You may find that today is a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster, Capricorn. Early on in the morning the Sun passes over your sign’s ruler, Saturn, granting you a sense of renewal and revitalization. However, as we head towards tonight’s lunar eclipse in Virgo, you’ll also be feeling a strong urge for release. This lunar eclipse is asking you to consider where your fixation on the world at large is keeping you from seeing what’s right in front of you in your community. You just may find that what you’ve been looking for is right in front of you. Today’s astrology is inviting you to shrink your world back down and re-ground and connect with your surroundings as a means of seeking inspiration.


For you, Aquarius, this eclipse is bringing up some big questions and demanding big changes when it comes to your notions of value and worth. What values have you been holding onto that have been inherited and which ones are truly, authentically yours? The sun spends today in contact with your sign’s ruler, Saturn, and the two sit in opposition to this lunar eclipse. As such, there’s a strong sense of illumination around considering what has served as a source of stability for you in the past. Let these sources act as the guiding light when it comes to confronting the shadowy parts of yourself that have been bogging you down, so that you can reconnect to your own sense of worth. When it comes to navigating the challenges imparted by this lunar eclipse, the question at the heart of things is what direction you want to be headed and what resources, both internal and external, you currently hold that can help that journey,


As this lunar eclipse falls exactly across from your sign, you’ll be feeling its influence quite sensitively, Pisces. This lunar eclipse in Virgo may bring about some abrupt changes when it comes to your relationships—whether that looks like an auspicious encounter you are destined to have or closing the door on a relationship that has outlived its own timeline. To help navigate the challenges this eclipse is bringing about for you, consider how you can root and stand steadily in your own sense of self. In order to do that you’ll need to honor your own boundaries, which can sometimes be difficult for your compassionate, empathetic self. Just remember, in order to pour into the cups of others your own needs to be full first.