Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Monday, March 11, 2024

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Today is feeling idealistic in our relationships for the zodiac signs!

Today, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, moves into the dreamy, romantic sign of Pisces. Venus is considered exalted in Pisces, making this placement one of its more positive associations. Venus will stay in Pisces for several weeks, but we may sense the shift significantly today from logical Aquarius into dreamy Pisces. While we may feel more drawn to artistic or creative endeavors, we may also feel more open to romance and seeing other perspectives. It’s good to keep our rose-colored glasses somewhat in check, though, as we can get carried away.

Check out your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You could feel the need to keep your relationships and desires low-key, Aries. Venus shifts into Pisces and begins its transit through your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, making your usual determination to be more gregarious about your relationships and connections more subdued. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re keeping secrets, but you may find yourself exploring deeper aspects that require more reserved, dedicated attention. Not everything has to be in the public eye to mean something.


Are you feeling more social than usual, Taurus? Today, your ruling planet moves into sentimental Pisces and your 11th House of Friendships and Networking. You may notice your intentions shift from focusing on your personal path to the connections you make along the way—don’t be surprised if you’re feeling the urge to make plans or accept invites and go out more. Embrace the energy and get out of your comfort zone a little!


It’s your time to shine at work, Gemini. Venus moves into Pisces and your 10th House of Career and Public Image, and today, you may be aware of the shift in how you’re approached and perceived in your career environment. You may feel more creative in your approach to work, and your relationships with those around you may feel more optimistic. You could develop a work crush, but be sure you can handle the consequences or effects of that type of dynamic with someone you work with.


You’re feeling a little more adventurous, Cancer. As Venus moves into Pisces and your 9th House of Philosophy, Travel, and Higher Education, you may notice a shift today towards wanting to consume more cultural or artistic content. You may want to try more creative pursuits or learn something out of your comfort zone. You may connect more with people you meet during these circumstances or with people who teach you things you never expected. 


Finances could be getting themselves in order for you soon, Leo. With Venus in Pisces moving into your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, the potential for you to receive money or benefit through people like your partner, an inheritance, or insurance is on the table. If you need to ask for help or apply for a loan, now might skew the odds more in your favor. You may also form closer bonds with your partner or someone you have feelings for intensely—it might feel all-consuming, so it never hurts to be mindful.


Your relationships are working well, Virgo. As Venus in Pisces shifts into your 7th House of Partnerships, you may notice a change in the closeness of your relationships—romantic, platonic, and even business—all feel more secure. If you’re single, it’s a good time to put yourself out there or take a casual relationship to the next level. If things in your current connections have been rocky, it could also be a good time to smooth things over. Just be sure you’re taking care of your own needs, too!


You may find yourself distracted and needing help with focusing, Libra. With your ruling planet Venus in Pisces moving into your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you may lean into daydreaming and wanting to be more playful rather than focus on your daily tasks. Rather than staying focused and organized, you may long to shirk your responsibilities and procrastinate important duties. While everyone deserves to let loose and relax now and again, you still have to find ways to accomplish things.


You may feel a little more carefree and playful, especially in your relationships, Scorpio. As Venus in Pisces moves into your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you may get more creative in your self-expression or lean into more artistic projects that spark your imagination. If you’re single, you may feel more flirty and want to be spontaneous. If you’re in a relationship, you may lean into more romantic gestures and fully embrace those rose-colored glasses vibes.


You may feel more of a homebody today, Sagittarius. With Venus in Pisces moving into your 4th House of Home and Roots, staying in with the people you care for most may feel more in line with your wants starting today. You could also be sparked with new inspiration to redecorate your home, or to at least change things around. Relationships with your parents or family members may feel closer or go more smoothly, so spending time with them could serve you well.


You may start hearing from more people soon, Capricorn. With Venus in Pisces moving into your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you might receive messages from people you haven’t heard from in a while, though it’s up to you whether or not you rekindle those relationships. You may feel more nostalgic and sentimental towards childhood friends, siblings, and neighbors, and your connections to them may feel closer than usual. You may also find it easier to accomplish daily tasks, especially with help from those around you.


You’re trying to balance your finances better, Aquarius. With Venus in Pisces moving into your 2nd House of Income and Values, you may have more opportunities to make money or streamline your budget. However, you may also find yourself spending too much in the process, especially to purchase things that make you feel better emotionally. You may feel drawn to buying items you find beautiful or aesthetic. You could feel you’re leaning more on others to bolster your self-esteem, and while validation is a good thing, it doesn’t fully define who you are. 


You are feeling yourself today, Pisces. With Venus in Pisces moving into your 1st House of Self and Identity, don’t be surprised if people are more attracted to you than usual. Your ability to charm and connect with others is at an all-time high, which can be worked in your favor if you need people to hear you out or you need to negotiate certain things. You could feel more tempted to cave into what others want, but remember that your needs matter, too! You could also feel the pull to change your style or get a new haircut—have fun with it!