Dennis Leinarts

Here’s Your Reminder That Being Alone Is Better Than Being In An Unhappy Relationship

When you’ve been in a relationship, your entire world starts to shift in a positive and exciting manner. Your worlds collide with the other person; every little thing reminds you of them and whatever happens throughout your day, they’re the first person you can’t wait to tell. Their joyous reactions to your messages brings you joy, much like how their pain brings you pain.

Sometimes, it can be tempting to stay in a relationship that has passed its expiry date. We give ourselves a million reasons to stay, convince ourselves that things will get better, but deep down inside of us, there is an unmistakable feeling within our gut that rears its ugly head no matter how much we try to drown it out. Our gut tells us that this relationship no longer serves us anymore, whether it’s due to a lack of similarities and shared values or the differences in what you want from life. Maybe the path you two shared now diverges into two separate paths for whatever reason.

It’s hard to leave a relationship even when we know it’s time to walk away. It’s hard because for those who have been intertwined with their partner for a while or have invested a lot into their significant other, it will come as an enormous loss of identity and routine. It will feel as if the castle we have both been building has crumbled around us and we’re left with our lone self to pick up the fragments and rebuild it into something entirely different.

Here’s your reminder that being alone is a thousand times better than being in an unhappy relationship. It means knowing how to be happy in the comfort of your own solitude. It’s sitting with your emotions, your thoughts, and your feelings. It’s asking yourself how you want to spend your day or night or even the entire weekend. It’s doing what you want to do on no one else’s terms and no one else’s schedule. And for all you people pleasers out there, it’s the liberation of doing things without anyone to please but yourself.

Ask yourself, What does that really look like? How does that look? You no longer have someone to please and you no longer have to rely on anyone else. While that might seem super frightening at first, and trust me on this, you will learn to embrace it for all of its ugly lows and gracious highs. And soon, as time passes, there will be more highs than lows. There is no better feeling of growth and maturity than embracing all areas of discomfort that sits within you and shining that beacon of light on it so that it no longer frightens you.

Learning to be happy alone is a journey and a process in itself. You will feel bored and lost, confused and needy. You will feel like everyone else’s lives are far more exciting than yours. You will feel sad and you will feel lonely. But within all of these feelings comes the growth of something magical.