Twenty20 / @ch_ch

Here Are The Best Holiday Gift Ideas For Each Zodiac Sign (Based On How 2022 Has Been For Them)

The holiday season is rapidly approaching—which is exciting news for everyone, but it also might be the source of some stress. Trying to pick out an ideal gift for your loved ones can be fun, but it can be a lot of pressure. If you’re stuck on gift ideas, we have a few ideas.

Zodiac signs can give a little more insight into a person’s preferences, and the classic traits associated with each can shed some light on a few promising ideas. However, 2022 has been a whirlwind of a year for many of us, and each zodiac sign has been on its own journey—so selecting a gift that can celebrate the closing of one chapter and the start of the next could be the perfect choice, even if it’s unexpected.

Check out your loved one’s zodiac sign (including their Moon and Venus signs!) to get an idea of what gift they need after the year they’ve had. 


While Aries is always a sign on the go and onto the next project, 2022 really leaned in on a few notable places—self-care/habits and striving to advance in their work and professional lives. They’ve certainly worked on keeping their head up (as they always do), but the Gemini Mars in Retrograde taking place at the end of this season is causing them to feel a bit more temperamental than even their usual fire sign selves. A gift that helps to better themselves and put their mind at ease is just what they need right now: think a yoga mat, some new running shoes for their morning jog, or even an inspirational book to help guide them, such as “When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal” by Brianna Weist.


2022 has put Taurus signs front and center as the North and South Nodes shifted into the sister signs of Taurus and Scorpio. This year has been a massive shift for this Earth sign as they’ve navigated their relationships, business, and personal lives and truly stepped into their own, working hard to achieve the things they desire. While this has all been uplifting news, it doesn’t mean it’s been easy on them—Eclipses at the beginning and end of the year have been eye-opening yet draining, and they are ready to end this year reflecting on their accomplishments while taking a much-deserved rest before 2023 kicks in. Some luxurious candles or silk sheets to celebrate them after all they’ve done this year or a chunky-knit weighted blanket to help them unwind will be more than appreciated.


2022 has had its moments but hasn’t been the smoothest sailing for Gemini placements. Of course, the Air sign is adaptable and isn’t afraid of a challenge, but they are only human. Parts of this year had them caught up in new opportunities in their professional life that had the potential to overtake their day-to-day. If your Gemini learned the balance between self-betterment and self-care, things might have felt a bit lighter. However, between Mercury in Retrograde in their sign towards the start of the year and Mars in Retrograde currently in their sign to finish out the year, they have been going through quite a bit of self-reflection and determination to figure out who they are (and 2023 seems to also carry this introspective theme for them, too!). Gifts that allow them to relax after the intensity of the year, like energizing bath Epsom salts or a gift to help focus on and hone in on the introspective lessons they’ve learned—like a guided productivity planner—can help put those realizations to good use.


2022 has been a bit of a whirlwind for Cancers. While the sign is mostly associated with the ideas of home, security, and stability, this past year has really pushed them outside of their comfort zones—for better or worse. Cancers may have found their horizons opening up in ways they couldn’t have foreseen, have learned more (whether in an academic setting or other means) new lessons and have felt the push to connect and create. As 2023 approaches, Cancers will likely experience opportunities for growth in their career but will also be pushed to buckle down a bit and keep their focus on the goal. With that in mind, Cancer signs love to receive gifts that prove others were thinking of them and are interested in being closer with them. A photo album with cherished memories from the previous year can show you were paying attention, or ordering a set of “Cancer” inspired zodiac cupcakes from the partnership between Baked by Melissa and Aliza Kelly can be a “sweet” reminder that you’re thinking of them (don’t worry, they have vegan, gluten-free, and nut-free options!).


2022 was a year of shifts and change for Leo signs—most notably in their career and home lives. The Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio highlighted these sections repeatedly, pushing Leos to make difficult but much-needed decisions about how to navigate their lives and how to make each better. In the process, they experienced quite a bit of growth in themselves and allowed for (hopefully) more connection to others around them rather than thinking they have to work towards their goals alone. As the year comes to a close, they could use a short getaway to take their mind off the stress or even a book that gently reminds them they are doing the best they can when they start to overthink their decisions—such as “A Gentle Reminder” by Bianca Sparacino 


2022 was a big year for relationship growth for Virgos. Whether giving clarity to how to improve a relationship (or when to let go) or simply continuing to grow more with a significant partner, all signs constantly were pointing towards connection. Additionally, Virgos may have felt a pull to travel and understand more of the world (and the people) around them better, though with Mercury retrogrades taking place across the year, there may have been a timidness to follow through. If you’re buying a gift for a Virgo significant other, then planning a romantic getaway for just the two of you could be the perfect present to help continue the connection and growth in your relationship. If you think your Virgo friend needs some solo trip time, though, a new traveling suitcase could be exactly what they’ve needed—like this cult classic Away Carry-On Bag that has everything they need for a safe, prepared trip.


2022 gave plenty of opportunity for setting healthy habits for Libra signs. This, of course, wasn’t a magical transformation—healing and growth are often difficult and messy and require intention. Libras may have been confronted with some realities about the way they have been living their lives—who they are connected to, what they find value in, and how they take care of themselves. 2023 is shaping up to continue some of those lessons in tougher ways, but 2022 has been a year-long preparation to continue that work. Your Libra loved one could benefit from books revolving around the idea of self-mastery and improvement—such as “The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest—or a new journal to help keep track of their thoughts and realizations that have taken place (and will likely continue to this year).


This past year truly placed its spotlight on Scorpios—there is no doubt about that. The biggest focus? Love and relationships and what was holding them back from connecting with/going deeper with the people they care so much for. The Eclipses highlighted their houses of self and relationships, pushing for them to confront and understand the ways they could improve each. The opportunities for romance, passion, and creativity opened up in unexpected ways, even when Scorpios weren’t fully ready to embrace them. This year has consistently asked Scorpios to define what is holding them back and whether they are willing to take the next steps to push past those roadblocks. When it comes to picking out a gift, a choice that allows them to express their creativity and the way they show themselves to the world, like a brightly-hued eyeshadow palette can be a fun option. If you want to help continue to foster the theme of connecting better with themselves and others around them, gifting them the “We’re Not Really Strangers” card game might be more helpful than you realize.


The majority of 2022 had Sagittarius signs out of their comfort zones a bit. As a sign known for traveling and having a restless nature, this year redirected focus back to the home and getting in touch with their roots. Slowing down and focusing on their younger selves and their connections provided some surprising growth, and learning to love their home and turning it into space to heal and recharge was a vital part of their journey this year. Of course, this may not seem as exciting as going on wild adventures, but learning to love staying put was more than necessary, especially as they worked towards more financial stability and inner healing. Sagittarius signs this holiday season would likely appreciate a gift that ties into relaxation and home—so a candle in their favorite scent (we recommend this one in sandalwood and honey that is encouraging and perfect for any aesthetic) or a vinyl record player to spin their favorite records as they enjoy a night in would be a great choices.


2022 was a year of Capricorns saying what needed to be said, especially regarding close relationships. After some rough years of tough lessons, 2022 still pushed them to reevaluate their relationships and set boundaries while also drawing closer and partnering with those who valued and wanted to support them. This wasn’t an easy journey, especially when trying to balance vulnerability and connection with still valuing themselves. Additionally, the year kept them busy as they felt intense motivation to go after their goals and really keep their focus (though truly, how different is that for most years, right?). It’s very likely that Capricorns are ending this year surrounded by closer friendships than they began the year with, and gifts that show that you understand their busy schedule but still appreciate their time—such as a coffee subscription to deliver their favorite blend to their door or a sleek wall calendar so they can make time for their loved ones—will do the trick.


Much like Leo, Aquarius also saw significant shifts in their home and career lives. The Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio highlighted those houses, which shined a light on the state of their lives and what they needed to do to improve them. This wasn’t a simple thing to navigate by any means—and at times even involved some painful realizations. The good news is that their financial situations likely improved steadily, with opportunities to grow and manage their budgets in ways they hadn’t been able to previously. Of course, with Saturn making its way through the last leg of its time in the water bearer’s sign, there was some heaviness surrounding how they viewed themselves. To lighten their spirits a bit, a quirky gift like this coffee mug is a perfect (and sarcastic) reflection on the year. Choosing a more relaxation-focused gift like colorful bath bombs or a spa kit could also be a great choice for the sign that stayed pretty hard on themselves this year.


Honestly, 2022 was quite a year for Pisces signs. With Jupiter spending most of its time in their first house of self, growth and abundance were a significant factor in their journey. Even in the tough moments, there were still supportive, strengthening moments to be found. 2023 does bring a little bit of apprehension though, as Saturn, the planet or restrictions, rules, and boundaries will shift into the water sign. If you want to get ahead of the game, gifting them a book that tackles anxiety and other aspects of mental health, like “Don’t F*cking Panic” by Kelsey Darragh, could be a great option for them to hold close when things start to feel more restricting in their life.