For The One Who Sees A Deeper Meaning In Everything
There’s so many things I want to say, but please, don’t ever change. Don’t ever stop believing in magic. Don’t stop romanticizing the little things; don’t stop wearing your heart on your sleeve. Don’t dim the excitement when meeting a new person because the ones before them came with their fair share of disappointment. Don’t let them trick you into the idea of the coincidence. It doesn’t exist.
The way you see the world is special. Your imagination is vibrant and you must keep it intact. Keep cherishing the little experiences that cross your path day-to-day: the warmhearted smile from a stranger, finding loose change in your jeans when taking out your keys. Hang onto that joy that follows you when trying a new flavor of ice cream. When the radio plays the song you’re thinking of in that one instance in the car with your sunglasses on, a can of soft drink to your lips. Fall apart to choruses; let your heartbreak bleed out a new mindset. Break, and fall, and rise again as many times as you need to. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from starting anew, even if your world has broken in two.
Just because you might meet people who don’t see the world like you do doesn’t mean you need to change your personality or thought processes to be like them. It doesn’t mean you must adjust your energy in hopes of being accepted. Some people believe strongly in the ideal that everything happens for a reason. Some don’t. Some believe that we don’t meet each other by accident. Some will disagree. And there’s nothing we can do to change their minds. What we can do, though, is choose whom we align with—those souls that are like our own where resistance is only warm, helpful, and nourishing and not abrasive, hostile, and cold.
It might feel disheartening when you meet someone and know with all of your soul that you were both meant to be in each other’s lives, but you know something is missing and you just can’t seem to pinpoint it. Maybe it’s because they don’t share your passion in the same way you do. Maybe it’s because their beliefs don’t mesh with yours on a stronger level. Maybe it’s because of other factors in the works. Take the maybes with your bubbly soul and let them go. Let it all go.
Continue searching for a deeper meaning in everything and making others question why or stare at you with a curiosity as to how you managed to retain the openness of your mind. Let them watch your lust for life paint the sky like a rainbow stretching across town after a much needed downpour. Do it for yourself.
Keep that open mind healthy because seeing everything in brighter colors is a blessing.