For All The Zodiacs Who Keep Getting Breadcrumbs And The Bare Minimum
Thought Catalog Agency

For All The Zodiacs Who Keep Getting Breadcrumbs And The Bare Minimum

Every zodiac has the potential to settle for less than they deserve in romantic relationshipsFire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) have an impulsive nature and could end up in passionate—but unfulfilling—relationships that feel like a roller coaster. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are stubborn signs who hate admitting when they’re wrong about romantic partners and will stick it out to try to fix the situation. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) get attached easily and won’t want to end the relationship, even when they realize someone isn’t a great fit for them personally. And air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) have the tendency to blame themselves and wrongly believe they are the problem, even when they have done nothing wrong.

If you keep getting breadcrumbs and the bare minimum, you need to demand more. You need to stop letting others get away with putting in the absolute smallest amount of effort when you are working your hardest to make them happy. Relationships are a two-way street. You should be receiving the same type of energy that you’re giving. If they can’t meet you halfway, then they don’t deserve you at all.

If you keep getting breadcrumbs and the bare minimum, you need to head for the door. Stop giving out second and third chances to people who have already proven they aren’t interested in treating you right. It doesn’t matter if they apologize. All that matters is whether they make actionable changes. If they aren’t going to put in the work, then neither should you. You deserve someone who means what they say. Someone who is willing to surpass your standards, not someone who tries to convince you to lower them.

If you keep getting breadcrumbs and the bare minimum, don’t let it get you down. Don’t let it fool you into believing you are unlovable. Just because a few people aren’t able to see your worth doesn’t mean their opinion is the only one. There are so many people out there who will see your worth and treat you right. Don’t believe the lie that you need to settle for this type of behavior because everyone is the same and there’s nothing better out there. There is. You just need to keep searching for it.

If you keep getting breadcrumbs and the bare minimum, you need to remember that this pattern isn’t your fault. It isn’t what you deserve. Others are simply trying to take advantage of your soft heart because they know what a kind, gentle soul you are. They know you aren’t going to assume the worst from them because you want to see the best, because you want to give them the benefit of the doubt. They are using your sweetness against you, and it’s not right. But this is their mistake. Not yours. You haven’t done anything wrong, aside from fall for the wrong person.

If you keep getting breadcrumbs and the bare minimum, it’s okay. You are not alone. Just don’t fool yourself into believing this is the norm because you need to hold out for more. You need to wait for the partner you deserve. It’s better to be alone than to settle for what little you’ve been getting.