Everything You Need To Know About Tarot Card Reversals
Tarot reversals, which is when the card appears reversed in a reading, are interpreted a large variety of ways. It’s one of the decisions that we all get to make when we intuitively dive into the cards seeking their meaning.
Our intuitive relationship with tarot should impact any reading we encounter. If a card strikes you to your core as meaning a certain thing – that’s how you should interpret it as it’s the card speaking to you. Understanding the stories tarot reveals for us is found within the intuitive and conscious reaction to the cards. That includes the meanings you’ve personally built with them. Considering reversals and how they could impact a reading is a way to see new facets of the cards.
It’s not as simple as reversing the meaning of the card (though that’s certainly an option). I’ve encountered all of these different ways of seeing reversals. Mary Greer’s “The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals” was invaluable in helping me to grow my understanding of and comfort with reversals.
Here’s a List of Ways A Tarot Reversal Can Be Interpreted:
Opposite Meaning
This one’s obvious! It just means the opposite of the card’s meaning. It could be interpreted as modifying the card’s energy or action with the words “no” or “not” or “lacking”.
Blocking the Energy or Changing the Motion of the Card
Interpret a card as blocked as the action or motion or meaning of the card is incomplete. This could also be interpreted as a misdirection of the energy. When considering how to apply this, look at the art of the card. What could block the figures within, or change their direction?
Breaking through, overturning, or refusing
In addition to blocking or changing the overall motion of the card, there could be a break through the issues outlined in the card, the meaning could be entirely turned over end, or the call within the card could be refused. Barriers could be destroyed and judgements overturned.
Inner Expression of the Card
The card isn’t fully manifesting externally yet – it’s meaning is just below the surface of the experiences themselves.
A Lessening or Weakening of the Card’s Meaning
Instead of a full “yes” the card could be interpreted as “maybe.” Or perhaps it’s ‘turning down the drama volume’ on the card’s meaning.
Unreliable People or Situations
Imagine the impact to the action of a card if people or part of the situation was unreliable or illusory.
Its meaning is being projected onto others
For good or ill, the meaning of the card is projected on others.
It is going through another cycle – being retried, retracted, reviewed
The action of the card will need to be reviewed, retracted. An old issue may be rehashed or retried. Lessons relearned.
If it’s a Court Card it might represent the opposite Gender Role
If you interpret Court Cards as manifesting as people, they would be people with the opposite gender as expressed in the cards when reversed. They would have all of the personality aspects represented in the card, but not the gender shown.
There will be a delay in the action of the card, or the action of the card can’t happen (something is an unavailable option at the time).
A Return to the prior card in the deck
A reversal would indicate the meaning of the upright card that was prior in the deck. If it was a Two of Pentacles reversed it’d be interpreted as an Ace of Pentacles, and an Ace would be interpreted as a King.
A Return to the Prior Card in the reading
Similar to the prior reversal interpretation. This reversal would return to the energy of the card that was laid down just prior within the reading itself.
The Unconventional, Magical, or Humorous version of what the Card Portrays
Reversals can be more playful – a reversal of expectation when it comes to how the card can manifest. The Two of Pentacles could mean actual juggling!
Excessive, or Over / Under Compensating (or The ‘Shadow’ Side of the Action in the Card)
Consider what would happen if the action or story within the card was excessive. Or if there was over or under compensation happening. What would the shadow side of the card be like?
Misused or Misdirected
Another shadow side of the card could be revealed in seeing how the energy or action within the card could be misdirected or misused.
Reversals are pre-selected based on the Current Situation
An interesting exercise where the reader will pre-reverse certain cards indicative of the situation or experience being explored, and only interpret those cards as ‘reversed.’ Those cards that will be read as reversals are reversed in the deck before shuffling.
Only Some Cards In Layout Are Read With Reversals
Some card positions within a layout might be exempt from having reversals explicitly interpreted. Cards appearing in the advice make a good example.
Not Considered At All
This might seem weird after reading such an extensive list of how tarot reversals can be interpreted, but it’s a perfectly valid practice not to consider the reversal. I did this for many years, mainly because I tend to interpret cards based on all of the meanings (both ‘shadow’ and ‘light’ and everything in between), and that allows a lot of space to see the card in context of the layout – which I think is far more important. I do find that interpreting reversals is extremely meaningful in single card readings or daily meditations.
I hope this list of the different ways that reversals can be interpreted can help you get more from readings that are done for you, or for those you do for others!