Every Zodiac’s Tarot Reading For This Week’s Sturgeon Moon (8/19)
There’s a lot going on with the full sturgeon moon on August 19th. It is a seasonal blue moon (the third blue moon in a season with four full moons instead of the usual three). This supermoon is in Aquarius, and will be opposing the currently retrograde Mercury in Leo. This will bring a lot of novel and eccentric energy to your life.
Below are three card tarot readings for each astrological sign on how to best integrate this exciting, energetic moment into their lives.
Embrace – What energy / ideas should you hold on to?
Accept – What will be challenging, but needs to be accepted in the coming days?
Let Go – What energy / ideas should you let go of, to improve your future?
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (Earth Signs)
10 of Cups
Harmony, joy, one-ness, home, security, familial bliss – it’s all here! Embrace this moment where acceptance and love surrounds you. What can you do to hold on to it? How can you nurture these relationships that mean so much to you? How can you best bring this love into the rest of your life? This is a time when your family and domestic relationships can be deepened and strengthened.
9 of Cups
Allow yourself to feel happy, right now, with what you have. Appreciate your journey so far – celebrate your successes, and take a moment to appreciate the lessons you learned from your failures. The Nine of Cups is traditionally known as the wish fulfillment card, and is a reminder that sometimes wishes can come true. What aspects of your life are going well, what feels exactly right for you? It’s ok to feel happy and content with some aspects of life when others seem challenging.
Let Go
5 of Cups
Let go of disappointment and regret, it’s blinding you to possibility and opportunity. Forgive yourself for the mistakes that you believe you made, and allow yourself to absorb their lessons, grieve, and move on. If you remain focused on self-criticism, you will miss seeing all of the other opportunities around you.
All of the cards in your reading are cups, which indicates this is a time of emotional upheaval for you. Embrace the good, and honor the grief you may feel over some losses – but don’t lose the gratitude and joy over how far you’ve come.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (Water Signs)
Knight of Swords, Reversed
It feels like you have all the right answers and can just charge forward, but don’t. Exercise restraint while you consider a gentler path. Allow yourself to fully feel out the situation and understand its nuances before deciding on how to best approach it. Determine the step that makes the most logical sense. You have intensity and energy on your side – be sure to apply it appropriately.
4 of Pentacles
You’re holding on tight to things, and you feel a great sense of security from that. Don’t allow yourself to go from a sense of stability and security into a fear of loss – it’s a very fine line. You may be holding on to past narratives that no longer serve you. Allow yourself to feel secure right here, right now, so that you can let go of those feelings of fear or insecurity.
Let Go
Ace of Pentacles Reversed
Part of the reason that you may be holding on to those past narratives has to do with your insecurity around some of your past decisions. Maybe you passed up something that you now think was a key opportunity, or feel that a relationship you bowed out of was full of unfulfilled potential. These feelings aren’t serving you.
You’re in a good place, you just need to allow things to develop and let go of those feelings of insecurity and fear – especially about past decisions. Give yourself time to make the best decision, and trust yourself that you’ve got this!
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (Air Signs)
5 of Pentacles
There’s a lot of challenges going on in your life right now, and you are harder on yourself than you’d ever be on someone else. Give yourself some grace, especially as you face these challenges. Don’t shut yourself out of possibilities by buying too much into the scarcity mentality. If you’re too focused on your inner self-critic or the negative / catastrophic narratives that they are building around your situation, you’re sure to miss the help that is all around you. Avail yourself of that help instead of thinking it is ‘not for you.’
Ace of Swords, Reversed
Your usually sharp mind feels blocked and rather dull at the moment. This feeling is causing a lot of confusion and chaos, and is leaving you in a state of analysis paralysis. Accept that you can’t think your way past it. Instead, allow your feelings to be your guide. There are some feelings, just under the surface, that will make things a lot more clear to you.
Let Go
The World, Reversed
It’s important for you to focus, but you’re facing an imbalance. There’s something that once brought you so much joy that you might have even defined yourself by it, but now it’s something that you need to let go of. You’re dealing with a lot of big things, and you need to be able to channel all of your energy (and the energy from the blue supermoon) on getting yourself into the healthiest place possible.
You’re facing a lot of challenges, and it’s important to give yourself grace. Once you support yourself more effectively and let go of things that are causing you an emotional imbalance, you’ll see a path through the confusion you’re experiencing.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (Fire Signs)
7 of Swords
There’s something going on, something’s not quite right. Your intuition is going crazy about it. Either someone is being deceptive and manipulative – or the normal channels aren’t working for you and you need to embrace a different strategy. Take time to understand what people’s true motives are – even (and perhaps especially) yours. It’s vital that you align your actions with your intentions.
It’s a good time to step back and consider what you believe ‘fairness’ is – and contrast that definition with that of ‘rightness.’ Speak your truths with integrity. Your actions have brought you here, to this moment. Cause and effect is everywhere, and this card in conjunction with the Seven of Swords is imploring you to ensure that what you do is aligned with your higher self. Remember that the universe has a karmic balance, and act according to your internal principles.
Let Go
Page of Pentacles
You’ve been working diligently on something, and your focus is inching closer to obsession.You might be overly critical and are allowing the perfect to become the enemy of the good or you might be overly concerned about the material balance of the work you are doing (it’s meaningful, but not exceptionally financial). You have created an attachment to a rigid concept of the product or process, instead of embracing the messiness of creativity. It’s time to step back a bit and reconsider how you are approaching this project, and let go of your preconceived notions of what ‘should be’ for what ‘is.’
There’s something that is off balance, and it’s impacting your ability to effectively work through some issues. It’s important that you act in alignment with your intentions, motives, and morality.