Every Zodiac’s Definition Of The Bare Minimum In Relationships
Everyone’s definition of the bare minimum will vary based on their own boundaries, expectations, and needs. Here is the definition of the absolute bare minimum in a relationship for each zodiac sign.
Matching their energy.
Aries is passionate. They need a partner who is able to keep up with their fiery ways in order to be truly satisfied in the relationship. You’re going to need to match the hell of Aries’ energy if you want them to stay.
A Taurus is a homebody and thrives in coziness. If you’re unable to keep your own place tidy and clean, rest assured that Taurus has absolutely noticed and is absolutely not impressed.
Being friends with their friends.
If you want to be Gemini’s lover, you’ve gotta get with their friends. Gemini is one of the most sociable signs of the zodiac and friendship is everything to them. You’re going to need to get to know their BFFs and have solid relationships with them if you want to sweep Gemini off their feet.
Being emotionally intelligent.
Cancer requires emotional intelligence in their partnerships above all else because they know that it is the foundation of healthy communication, conflict management, and wellness, all of which will lead to healthy relationships.
Worshiping the ground at their feet.
Leo knows their worth and will not settle unless their partner understands how good they have it, too. If you want to date a Leo, prepare to compliment them. Like, a lot.
Having ambition.
Nothing will turn Virgo off more than an absence of drive and direction. If you want to impress Virgo and build a solid partnership with them, you’re going to need to show that you have goals in life that you will do anything to meet.
Being spontaneous.
Libra is hard to pin down and doesn’t settle easily. This is because Libra loves spontaneity. If you want to keep Libra around, you’re going to need to be prepared to go on spur-of-the-moment adventures. This way, Libra won’t become restless.
Open and honest communication.
Trust does not come easy for Scorpio. Because of this, they need to know where they stand with you. You need to be honest about your feelings in order for Scorpio to lean in and learn to trust you. Only then will your relationship blossom.
Having an amazing sense of humor.
Sagittarius is one of the most fun zodiacs and truly lives to have a good time. If you’re not able to engage in witty banter and tell a damn good joke, you will not be noticed by Sagittarius.
Planning dates.
Capricorn has a busy enough schedule as it is! They need to know you respect them and their time and the best way to do this is by planning actual dates. (No, Netflix and chill doesn’t count.)
Showing interest in their weird-ass hobbies.
Aquarius isn’t like the other zodiacs; they’re different. And if you want to have a solid relationship with an Aquarius, you’re going to need to show sincere interest in all of their unique interests.
Validating their feelings.
Pisces is as sensitive and intuitive as they come. They have feelings and a lot of them. Like, a lot. You’re going to need to validate the emotions Pisces experiences in order to keep them around.