Shahida Arabi

Shahida Arabi is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard University. She is a published researcher on narcissism and the bestselling author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse, featured as a #1 Amazon Bestseller in Applied Psychology.

A book about empowering yourself narcissistic abuse.

8 Questions with
Shahida Arabi


Where do you draw inspiration from?

For nonfiction pieces, I am inspired by a combination of research, psychological theories, real-life experiences, and the life stories of others. These often give me a “lightbulb” moment on what might help others and what people really want to learn more about or could learn about to benefit their lives. For poetry and fiction, I get inspired by life experiences and enjoy putting a subversive twist on popular themes in fairy tales, mythology, and folklore.


You’re hosting a dinner party this Friday and can invite five people. The catch: These diners can be anyone, dead or alive. You also don’t need to know them IRL. That said, who are you having over?

Tom Felton, Aishwarya Rai, Malala Yousafzai, Oprah, Maya Angelou. I’d add V.C. Andrews too if any of those people were no-shows.


What was the last thing you read that moved you?

“What a strange thing to consider imagining a world into being with nothing but words, intention, and desire.” ― Blake Crouch, Dark Matter


If AIM was still A Thing, what would your away message be?

“Away right now. And remember folks: it’s not worth the jail time. 😜 Meditate instead.”


What would the title of your memoir be?

Powerful Alchemy – because I love exploring how we can transform adversity into power and turn everything into “gold” in a sense.


How would your best friend describe you?

Funny, thoughtful, nerdy, ambitious, determined.


Favorite word, and why?

Savor. I like words that remind us to cherish each experience!


If you could give one piece of advice to everyone in the world, what would you say?

Use the time and energy you would normally spend on toxic people and channel it toward creating your dream life instead. Let whatever you’ve been through fuel your goals and success, so your highest good and the greater good can benefit from every experience. This is powerful alchemy.


Zodiac Big Three:

Sagittarius sun, Leo moon, Scorpio ascending





Current Era:

A hybrid of “Boss Era,” “Soft Life” and “Dark Feminine”

User (Or Not) Of Oxford Comma:

Sometimes. Other times, I am a rebel.

Favorite Emoji:

It’s a solid tie between these three: 😜 😏 🥰

Articles by
Shahida Arabi