Jess Kalinowski
Her life experiences include teaching little humans, dancing her heart out at music festivals, and healing with plant-based medicine have all had a profound influence on her writing and creativity. Jess hopes to express pieces of her soul and express all possible forms of love and awareness through her poetry and writing collections. ✨cap sun, aqua moon, scorpio rising, stellium in sag💫
Articles by
Jess Kalinowski

Teachings From Thich Nhat Hahn That Will Change Your Life

Aristotle’s Advice For A Life Well Lived

The Most Dangerous Force In The World Is A Soul Who Realizes They’re Never Really Alone

When You Wander The World, You Experience Yourself

This Is How You Find Out What You’re Capable Of

Instead Of Admiring Everyone Else’s Masterpieces, It’s Time To Start Painting Your Own

This Is What It Really Means To Have Good Vibes In Your Life

9 Healing Rituals To Nurture The Relationship You Have With Yourself

Not Everyone is Going to Resonate With You, And That’s Okay