What Gemini, Libra And Aquarius Can Expect In August, According To A Tarot Reader
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of August for three different zodiacs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These zodiacs, also known as the air signs, are communicative intellectuals who are at home with change and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown
The Past
The Tower, Reversed
When people talk about scary cards in the tarot, inevitably The Tower comes up. The Tower, also known as the Blasted Tower, describes a massive, reality-shifting change. It’s about the deconstruction of prior beliefs that fundamentally change everything. The card speaks to the need to surrender to such changes, and learn from the events depicted. When reversed it could indicate a crisis of faith, or a resistance to the change that The Tower demands. The good news is, the card is in your past – but the challenge for you is in picking up after such a large event and learning how to integrate all of what you learned into your present and future..
The Present
The Hierophant, Reversed
Typically standing for tradition and religion, the Hierophant in this reading is reversed which means challenging those typical ideas. Right side up it can indicate ministers and priests, but reversed it’s more about a disruption to those belief systems. It might be carrying forward a crisis of faith from The Tower. It would definitely work to your advantage to know that your answers are within – you are your own guru and thought leader. You might have experienced an abuse of power, and now is the best time to let go of the traditional avenues of thought, step out of group identity, and move towards a new set of spiritual traditions and rituals that foster your spirit.
The Challenge
10 of Wands
You are on the last leg of an arduous journey, and the weight and burdens that you carry are oppressive. You’re so close to the end, the challenge is finding the grit and determination in yourself to make it over the finish line. Now is a time to release the unnecessary, and focus wholly on just the necessities to complete the task. Your hard work has brought you so far, and you’re almost there!
Your Thoughts
The Hermit
Your thoughts have been turning to solitude – a chance to introspectively approach everything you have going on. This is a time of material detachment that allows you to listen to the voices within, instead of being distracted by the din that surrounds you. Meditation and contemplation will not only help guide you through this difficult time, but it will also help you reattach to your own inner wisdom and light. The perspective you’ll gain by being able to listen to that still, soft voice within will be key in guiding you through not just the disillusionment you may feel from the Tower, but also the tough journey you’re completing in the 10 of Wands. The Hermit amplifies what was stated in the reversed Hierophant – it’s key that you become your own guide right now.. Take the mental time you need to gain that perspective, and you’ll be able to lead yourself through.
Your Subconscious
The World, Reversed
The World is a card about attainment and achievement – about integrating your self into the World and all of the ‘yes’ energy the universe can offer. When reversed, it can serve as a reminder to not rest on your laurels, but to continue working. Ultimately the World is the completion of a cycle, but like any cycle, it will begin again. Given all of the burden that you are feeling now and the difficulties you are shouldering, remind yourself of all that you achieved to get here. Contemplate the large lessons you’ve learned so far, and how you are going to carry them forward.
The Future
8 of Swords, Reversed
The wonderful thing about tarot is that it shows a mutable future – a future you can change. Traditionally, the 8 of Swords represents something that can feel like a doom loop – being trapped, incapable of seeing anything. There’s a helplessness about being caught in the 8 of Swords – and the inner critic is at its most powerful here. It’s a time of disillusionment and feeling held back. But the 8 of Swords in this position, especially reversed, is giving you a powerful opportunity to change things. While the 8 of Swords indicates a mental block and being unable to see the way forward, when reversed it can mean that either it is a massive block, or that you are able to liberate yourself from your own limiting thoughts. Take a moment and consider what the swords that surround you are – understand what it is that is holding you back.
9 of Swords
High swords are rough – and the 9 of swords might feel like a surprising card to have in the advice position, especially as it’s nicknamed ‘the nightmare card.’ In this position, the card is communicating that it’s time for you to face your fears. You’ve recently faced some enormous changes, and now is the time to face your fears about what those changes mean for your future. While you may feel some anxiety, hopelessness, and paranoia, you also know that to stay in this state of mental anguish is not sustainable. Instead, confront your fears and your concerns.
Overall Thoughts
There’s a lot of Major Arcana cards in this reading, and it means that you are dealing with a time with a lot of energy, and a lot of moving pieces. Major Arcana depict large, archetypal, major events, while the minor arcana deal with more short-term events. This reading has The Tower in the past position, The Hierophant in the present position, the Hermit in your thoughts, and the World in your subconscious. Luckily, you’re equipped to deal with this – as an air sign you are intelligent, curious, and acclimated to change. While it can be overwhelming to face all of these challenges, they’re nearly complete!
Listen carefully to yourself and your thoughts. Being self-critical or placing limitations on yourself will set you up for a difficult time to come, so instead face your fears head on and be compassionate with yourself while. When the inner critic comes out, recognize it and redirect your mental energy – this is not a time to waste your precious energy fighting yourself! You, yourself, are deserving of your compassion and love. In the moments where it feels so easy to be defeated by your own thoughts, instead be protective of yourself. You are being given an opportunity to create a massive shift in your life – away from things that weren’t serving you.
Find Aries’, Leo’s, and Sagittarius’ August tarot reading here.
Find Taurus’, Virgo’s, and Capricorn’s August tarot reading here.
Find Cancer’s, Scorpio’s, and Pisces’ August tarot reading here.