
A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before January 15


Your card: 7 of Sword

Things aren’t going well this week, all thanks to one person ruining a good thing. It could be a coworker sabotaging your job, a toxic friend running amok, or a partner breaking your trust. You could even be your own self-saboteur.


Your card: The Hierophant

You’ll be stuck in routine this week. While you normally don’t mind doing the same thing every day, it might start to feel like a prison this week. Are you doing these things because you like them, or just because it’s what you’ve always done?


Your card: 3 of Cups

It’s time to celebrate this week. If a friend or coworker achieved something amazing, take them out for drinks or host a party in their honor. Be the spotlight shining on all the good that they’ve done.


Your card: Knight of Swords

This is your week to take action. Whether an opportunity presents itself or you have to create your own, now’s the time to start making your dreams come true. Not next week, not next year–now.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

While you sometimes prefer to do things on your own, that’s the wrong move this week. Strive toward working as a pair or in groups, whether at work or at home. You can achieve some really great things when you work together.


Your card: 2 of Cups

If you’re in a relationship, take some time this week to stop and appreciate the love you have together. Have a date night or plan an extravagant night at home. And if you’re single, now’s the perfect time to meet someone new.


Your card: Death

This card isn’t as scary as it sounds. It just signals the end of one phase of your life and the beginning of another. Even if you hate change, it often ushers in a new rebirth that your life needs to move forward.


Your card: King of Pentacles

You have the power this week to start making your career and money goals come true. Ask for a raise or promotion, go for a shiny new career, take initiative at work and lead your team to greatness. Become the boss babe you’ve always been inside.


Your card: 6 of Pentacles

This week, when you notice that you have extra, give what you can to those in need. Feed the hungry, donate to charity, and lend a hand to loved ones. Everyone can benefit from your success, not just you.


Your card: 10 of Pentacles

All your hard work is finally paying off. This week, you’ll see yourself getting that much closer to your final career and financial goals. Celebrate, because you’re the reason why you’ve gotten to this stable place.


Your card: The Magician

You have the power to make things happen this week. Manifest the cool things you’ve been hoping for all along. All it takes is the right attitude and the willingness to go for what you want. You’ve got this, Aquarius!


Your card: The Tower

Something will happen this week that will totally change how you see something. Change, while often good, might not feel like your friend this week. Though you might feel betrayed, know that this feeling is only temporary, just like everything else in life.