A List Of Things That Make Me Sad
Finishing a favorite television series
crying children
whimpering dogs
every single one of my unfinished poems
manuscript rejection lettersÂ
dating apps
the fact that I’ve used dating apps
the fact that I STILL use dating apps
Friday nights that flash by
Sundays that do not stay long enough
beating around the bush
one note poems paired with shitty doodles
Rupi Kaur
the end of hoodie weather
any day that dares to venture over seventy-five degrees
the reality that I’ve never been kissed in the rain
jump scares in horror movies
New York City’s subway system
bars with high tables and high chairs
conversations that go over my head
Vodka or Jonnie Walker Black
when new tattoos begin to peel
being beer drunk
and breaking the seal
rolling a joint on a windy beach
when the joint goes out and the lighter won’t light
the way she never loved me fully in the way I’m sure she could have                                         Â
burying a love in a heart that still beats
drifting out of her orbitÂ
the fact that we only kissed each other three times over the course of one night
the third time not being the charm
smittenly, I still foolishly reminisceÂ
knowing I’d try again if only she would
the final flicker of a favored candle as it fades
doubting my future’s successÂ
feeling compressed
the black cloud that sometimes forms in my chest
persistently teetering on the precipice of waterworksÂ
the unrelenting urge to shout but being too considerate to
weeks of depressive bouts…
what makes me the saddest is that
I think if I were to write a
list of things that make me happy
it would be shorter than this list
but I plan on sticking aroundÂ
long enough toÂ
prove myself wrong.