Brandon Woelfel

A Blunt Answer To 4 Zodiacs Wondering If They’re Ever Going To ‘Find Themselves’


You’ve been waiting for that one thing you can narrow in on, Sagittarius. Your obsession with other people’s obsessions has left you feeling inadequate. But just because you don’t have a passion that takes up all of your time and effort doesn’t mean you haven’t found yourself. Seem people dedicate their lives to developing a very particular skill – chefs, professional athletes, medical professionals – but you’ve always invested heavily in a diverse set of skills and interests. You are looking at the results of all these endeavors and seeing nothing to show for it, instead of everything you have to work with. The passion you’re looking for lies in the right combination of all these skills. You can converse with anyone. You can bridge the gap between qualitative and quantitative analysis. You can identify patterns and make complex analyses because you can draw on so many sources of experience. You’ve more than found yourself, now they only challenge is learning how to package, sell, and market everything you have to offer to the world.  


You should have stopped looking long ago, Gemini, because the truth is you’ve already found yourself. You’ve simply been in denial about this fact because your reality looks so different from that of the people around you, what other people’s expectations for you were, and in some ways what you had planned for yourself. You haven’t made peace with the fact that the pleasant surprises you stumbled across have become integral parts of your personality and your future. That casual hobby has become your passion. That ‘phase’ you told everyone you were going through has actually provided you with more structure and purpose than traditional schools of thought ever have. The truth is that you don’t want to go back to the way things were before you strayed from the predictable path. As much as you tell yourself that’s where you’re making your way back to, it’s time to ask yourself why you’re not there now. If your journey hasn’t taken you to a particular destination, it’s because you haven’t wanted it to, and that is okay.


You’ve been looking for some classical right of passage to feel worthy of claiming that you’ve ‘found yourself’. A vision quest, a hero’s journey, a bildungsroman with clear cut beginning, middle, and end. But life isn’t structured like a novel or a fable or a myth. It comes to us day by day, not chapter by chapter. We don’t get to skip the boring parts where nothing happens in service of our plot tempo. We have to do laundry, pay our taxes, and clean out the back seat of the car regardless of the lack of character development involved. The blunt truth you need to learn is that you should be thinking of your life like an author and not a reader. If you are going to think of yourself as a character, you better know yourself inside and out. What an author ‘knows’ about a character versus what makes its way onto a published page are two very different things. They know their characters in their quietest, most insignificant moments, and in the life changing, earth shattering ones, equally. And so should you.


The problem is that you’ve been waiting for someone to find you, Capricorn, instead of taking on that massive project yourself. The faith you have that the right partner, the right promotion, the right life will single you out in a crowd and whisk you away to your happily ever after is admirable and optimistic, but it completely overlooks your own ability to save yourself, to make yourself happy, to get and give yourself exactly what you deserve. Instead of empowering yourself, you assume the ‘world’ will do this for you. There’s a time and place for positivity and patience, but you cannot rely upon them alone. You need perseverance, curiosity, agency, and assertiveness. You need to raise your hand, and speak up when you have an answer to the problem, and stand up for yourself when you know you are right. If you continue to live your life without ruffling a single feather, you will find yourself so constricted and inauthentic that you don’t even recognize the person you’ve become. It’s time to get your hands dirty.