3 Zodiacs Who Are Incredibly Anxious About The New Year
The new year has plenty of positive characteristics attached to it, especially when it comes to examining our transformations over the past year. At the same time, the start of a brand-new year can also usher in a palpitating sense of anxiety, with some people fretfully worrying about what the future might have in store for them. Above all else, these select signs fervently overanalyze the new year, furiously wondering about who they are, where they’re going, and what exactly their individual destinies might look like in the coming months.
Your view of the new year seems to change on an almost daily basis, Gemini. On the one hand, you express avid excitement at the idea of starting anew, pursuing new opportunities and long-standing interests that have built up over the past year. On the other hand, you feel a severe inner anxiety at all the uncertainties tied to tomorrow. Though these moods ebb and flow with the regularity of the tides, it’s better to hang onto your hopeful optimism about the future, rather than wallowing in fear about whatever lies ahead.
You’re a habitual over-thinker, Virgo, closely analyzing every little thought that pops into your mind. Unfortunately, this characteristic hardly seems to slow down with the new year – in fact, if anything, it actually grows worse. As you map out your plans for another year, you’ll begin furiously worrying about how much you need to accomplish, quickly growing overwhelmed by all the chores, tasks, and responsibilities you’ll have to handle in the winter season.
You’re no stranger to hard work, Capricorn, having spent each and every year finding ways to improve yourself for the better. In most cases, that might translate to diligently working in the office, furthering your career, and putting you one step closer to the idyllic future you’ve long planned for yourself. With the dawn of the new year, however, you can’t help but feel like you’re back to square one, the temporary rest and relaxation of the holidays giving way to panic, dread, worry, and stress about the hardships awaiting your attention.