Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, December 7th, 2024
Table of Contents
2 of Wands, Reversed
You’re busy making plans, but expect the unexpected. Unexpected moments can be a great thing – it’s a nice feeling to be in the right place at the right time, or watch a problem resolve itself. What’s less fun of an experience is when things go unexpectedly awry. Having things feel like they are out of control can make us feel as though our goals ultimately don’t matter and can leave us feeling aimless. Keep making your plans, and stay true to your vision.
Strength means many different things beyond just physical ability to move mass. It also means resilience, courage, and gentle persistence. We show strength in life in more subtle ways than lifting weights; it’s often demonstrated through quiet battles with invisible illnesses, patience during exceptionally difficult times, resistance to peer pressure, or mastery over our nature. When you know that you can handle any occurrence that life throws at you, you’re less likely to attempt to control the outcome. What ways do you choose to use your personal power?
Page of Swords, Reversed
You might find yourself at a loss for words or tongue-tied. Where normally you’d feel at ease passing at least some time with light chit-chat, today you find a different energy entirely. Your curiosity is expressed through introspective thoughts, which may lead you down some new, exciting avenues of exploration. Choose your words carefully, and be even more careful about who you share them with. Your curiosity may lead you to spend more of today listening rather than speaking, but always learning.
10 of Swords
Unfortunately, sometimes in this difficult life our fears become a reality. Betrayal and failure are hard things to work through. Fully processing and then healing from feeling deceived, stabbed in the back, or abandoned requires us to acknowledge that those traumas will forever be a part of our story, but that we also have the chance to make healing and integration a part of our story as well. Loss can give us a chance to heal, and lessons about who to trust can turn into hard-won, life-long strengths.
3 of Swords, Reversed
Heartbreak and loss can be hard to work through, and the difficult lessons learned in the process are as big of a part of human experience as love itself. Give yourself the space you need to grieve and allow yourself enough time to spend with your feelings so you can move on, but don’t get stuck there. It’s a fine line between giving yourself space and refusing to move on. Don’t allow the feelings to settle and fester within you.
The Fool, Reversed
When working through a lot of chaos, it’s easy to get overwhelmed into a state of analysis paralysis which leaves you uncertain of what direction you should move in. If your personal narratives about prior “adventures” have added to your overall inability to move forward, it’s important that you reassess those narratives and their roles in protecting you. There is a way to be both adventurous and cautious, and to allow for the unexpected while minimizing risk. If anyone can find that balance, it’s you.
5 of Swords
There are times when winning in a situation demands more of us, but we need to be exceptionally wary when situations demand us to be less as a person – less empathetic, less kind, or less honest. Winning can sometimes be learning a lesson about who we really are, what our values are, and what lines we won’t cross ‘just to win.’ Loss and failure are as much, if not more, of a part of the human experience than success.
5 of Cups, Reversed
It’s time to move on, and not allow yourself to be so obsessed with what you don’t have that you blind yourself to what you do have. As you move on and heal, more possibilities will be open to you. Change is hard, and it’s difficult to realize that you’re making space for something new when you’re preparing to leave something else behind. As you open your heart to healing, you may find yourself reconnecting with people from your past.
The High Priestess
You may find that you are making space for yourself today, Sagittarius, as you are seeking answers that require the type of thinking and processing that can only be done alone. While some may interpret your behavior as aloof, part of what you’re ultimately seeking is an understanding of the essence of connection, and the deeper significance of your life. Connect with your intuition and follow its guidance.
4 of Pentacles
Financial fastidiousness is second nature to you, and your grounded spirit is adept at balancing being pennywise while also being generous to those around you. This might also indicate that you’re setting emotional boundaries, and being careful about how you spend your emotional energy. Regardless of what resource you are being protective of, to create the sort of stability that helps you feel your best will require you to re-evaluate your current progress and assess your best path to your goal.
10 of Wands, Reversed
Don’t allow yourself to become overburdened, take inventory of what you need to continue to carry forward. A lot of times in life, we are challenged by knowing when to get help, and when we finally do it can leave us asking why we didn’t ask earlier. Learning how to prioritize and delegate work when there’s far too much to do can be liberating and empowering. Take the time and invest the effort now to determine what is important to you, and what you can pass on.
Ace of Cups
There are new emotions stirring, and they might reside within new relationships or in the strengthening bonds of established ones. Pour more attention into these emotions in order to cultivate deeper connections with the people and world around you. During this time of beginnings and welcoming, open your heart. Extend the grace and empathy that you have nurtured for others to yourself. How can you use this to expand the influence of love in your life? When new feelings and thoughts emerge, creativity often follows.