Warm Words 4 Zodiacs Who Just Need A Hug Today
Pisces, you are enough, as you are, in this moment, today. The world is a better place for having you in it, and you cannot begin to comprehend just how necessary your talents and abilities are. Your imagination, your perception and intuition all make the world a deeper, more soulful place to be. They remind the people around you of their own depths, of the rich emotions lying dormant beneath superficial exteriors, of the things that will remain and grow as time takes its toll on us all. You are a childhood dream and a cozy corner. You are an intellectual labyrinth and a lovable lunatic. Today is just one of those days that hands down sucks, but you have all the tools you need to make it through.
Libra, there is a space for you in this world that is meant for you. Where your various talents can and will shine, and this crazy, winding path we call life will finally make sense. You often long for what you don’t have, for the grass that seems greener on the other side of the fence. Your abilities are deep and diversified. Your eggs are in so many baskets, and the returns are there, you just need to zoom out your perspective to really see them compounding side by side. Stability is okay. Responsibility is sexy. Your path to greatness doesn’t involve an emotional or financial roller coaster, but you will still arrive at the same destination. And that’s something to be enormously proud of.
Cancer, you endlessly give to everyone around you. Your time, your energy, your focus, your emotional capacity and empathy. It’s okay for you to have a bad day yourself. The world will not crumble if you have to step away for some self-care. In fact, it’s absolutely necessary for you to continue your very important work. It’s crucial that you lead by example. If your goal is to get people to be kinder and gentler with themselves, to not be afraid to open up about their negative feelings, to not be ashamed of their suffering, then the same must be true for you. You deserve just as much love as you give to others. You are worthy, and you are wonderful. Don’t forget it.
Capricorn, there’s nothing you have missed, no stone you left unturned. If things are out of sorts today, that’s just a natural part of life, and no direct fault of your own. Your lofty expectations are in part what makes you so great at what you do. They are your driving force and motivation, but no one is superhuman enough to live a life without any hiccups or roadblocks. You cannot prepare for or predict every challenge. So take a break, a deep breath, a moment alone with a hot cup of tea and some empathy for yourself. Tomorrow will be a new day to tackle things from a new angle, and until then you deserve to rest and recharge. Take this much needed break.