4 Zodiacs Whose Tears Are Signs Of Strength
Pisces gets criticized for crying too often, but the truth is that they’re just thinking a little deeper than the rest of us at all times. They have an uncanny ability to be aware of the past, present, and future in any given moment, and that awareness of what’s been lost and what needs to be cherished because it could soon be gone tinges life with a little more grief than those who are aloof have to carry. Pisces’ tears are a sign of the burden they carry, and their unwavering courage to not look away from their own thoughts or run away from their own feelings. What some see as them breaking down is really their ability to sustain, to process, and embrace life’s emotions.
Sagittarius knows the fine line between laughter and tears. Where many see them as making light of life’s miseries, Sagittarius knows their own capacity for diverse and complex emotion. There’s nothing wrong with finding humor in grief, or acknowledging a loss alongside a huge accomplishment. The mistake most people make is assuming what they’re supposed to feel in any given moment. Sagittarius doesn’t hold themself to such unrealistic expectations. By letting the emotion flow through them, they don’t repress anything in the process. If it’s time for tears, out they come, with no explanations required or shame associated. It’s simply what the moment calls for. Sagittarius experiences so much with so many people, it’s only natural there are more emotions to process.
Aquarius is more attuned to the suffering of others, which means the tears they cry aren’t reserved for their own trials and tribulations. They expand their emotional capacity to empathize with friends, family, and strangers alike. While some people label them as bleeding hearts, they actually stand by their word and take action on the causes they care about. Their tears are always followed by effort, fundraising, volunteering, donation, and conversation. They make space for others to raise their voices, and provide a meaningful and safe space with their open ears and open heart. Their emotion is a sign of their genuine commitment to making the world a better place for all, and they’re never dissuaded by the fact it will be slow going and hard work.
Scorpio, your tears are a badge of all the hardship you’ve had to endure through life. All of the people who didn’t believe you, who tried to tear you down and dim your light. The people who were jealous of your success and happiness, and the ways they tried to sabotage you as a result. You kept going, you didn’t internalize those voices, and kept heading toward the destination you always had in mind. You cared for yourself, bandaged your wounds, and got back up again, no matter how many times you got knocked down. You cry for the person you used to be before you experienced this persecution. For the soft individual who would never return that cruelty to anyone else. For the one who knows it’s not their fault.