4 Zodiacs Who Are Single Now But Will Be Engaged By December 2025
Pisces has absolutely no clue that love is about to come out of left field, but you’d best believe they’ll be ready for it when it does. For someone who is so comfortable being single, they are surprisingly fast to adapt to life in a partnership. They don’t sabotage or second guess and knock out the hard topics and deep questions straight off the bat. This allows their relationships to progress at a rather rapid pace, because they know what they’re looking for and actually trust their own gut. If it’s right, then it’s right, and there’s no need to slow something down out of proprietary. If they’ve found their life partner, they’re ready to start that life together as soon as humanly possible.
Virgo is about to meet the person they’ve convinced themself doesn’t exist. In fact, they’ve all but given up on trying to find love because they don’t want to settle, and no one has been able to live up to their standards. They’ve had enough of second chances, or having their hopes dashed by someone who proved to be unworthy of their trust and affection. Every time they go through a heartbreak, the person they’re most upset with is themselves for letting down their guard in the first place. But the impossible is going to happen. This person is going to walk through the door and offer Virgo the stability and commitment they’ve always dreamed of. No matter Virgo’s trust issues, this person will undoubtedly be able to lock it down in less than a year.
Capricorn is on a mission. They paid their taxes in April and made a vow that this would be the last year they file as ‘single’. When they apply their famous work ethic to their love life and treat the dating apps like a romantic resumé, they’ll finally start seeing the same level of results they see in their professional life. It’s all about the way they choose to prioritize their time and energy. If they elevate their relationships to the level of the rest of their endeavors, they will start to see a level of change they previously believed impossible. The life they want is within their reach. They just have to start acting like a loving partnership is as worthy of being seriously sought after as a high yield savings account.
Cancer is going to get swept away by someone who inspires them on a new emotional level. Someone who is able to produce excitement and giddiness and butterflies in levelheaded Cancer. They’ll be worried these are just the effects of common infatuation, but the connection here is something deeper, something that can stand the test of time, something that inspires them to make a drastic change and a leap of faith. It makes makes perfect sense, like moving to France for the baguettes or doing reformer pilates because laying down tricks your brain into thinking you’re not exercising. Instead of asking ‘what’s the rush?’, Cancer is asking themselves, ‘what am I waiting for?’.