4 Zodiacs Who Need Gentle A Reminder To Keep Fighting For Their Dreams
You’ve lost touch with the reason you started chasing this dream in the first place, Libra. The things that made it fun, the ways it made you feel stronger, more confident, more yourself. You let yourself get bogged down in the minutiae of growth. The repetition, the responsibility, the scrapes and bruises of learning to get it right. Instead of embracing those rights of passage, you moaned and groaned under their burden. What you don’t realize is that this is your Rocky montage. This is what gives you street cred and character and grit. This is all very critical and foundational required reading or sweating or learning that is required to get you where you’ve always wanted to be. A little main character energy can render these chores a hero’s journey.
You have gotten way too caught up in the optics of it all, Aquarius, and it’s completely destroyed your drive. As long as you convince yourself that no one else sees what you do – the vision, the talent, the master plan, the value proposition, you are allowing your self doubt to slowly eat away at all of your initiative. You’re not doing this to gain approval. You’re doing this because it’s your dream. With time and hard work, you may win over more than just a crowd, but you’ll never do that if all you focus on is external validation. People are drawn to you because you’re drawn to this goal. They see your dedication, your passion, and your presence, and can’t help but watch you in the zone.
You need to give yourself a break, Taurus, for not having it all figured out already. Everyone runs into obstacles on their way to making their dreams a reality, and the ones you’ve encountered are real, they are not your fault, and they are deserving of grace. Whether you haven’t had the time, or the means, or the support system to make a straight shot for the top doesn’t matter. Success can be a long, winding road. All that matters is that you keep going. So what if it’s more ‘Candyland’ or ‘Shoots and Ladders’ than it is an instant jackpot at the slot machine? You have done the very best with what you’ve had, and that’s more than enough to get you there in the end.
You’ve seen the hidden underbelly to your dream, Scorpio, and it’s made you question whether any of this was worth pursuing in the first place. Little in life is as wholesome and valiant as we initially believe it to be, but that doesn’t render it completely devoid of value. There are going to be unpleasant people, unpleasant policies, unpleasant rules, and any other number of things wrong in this flawed world we live in. Be the person you set out to be. Be the person you believed other people to be. Live up to the standards you thought existed and make them the new norm. Don’t let someone else’s failures dictate your own ability to pave a better path forward for those who are trailing behind.