4 Zodiacs About to Begin A Growth Journey
You are an ocean of unrealized potential. You cannot imagine how deep and how wide your capacity really is unless it’s been tested until you’ve been moved beyond where you thought your limits were and have had to redefine them.
Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year
Capricorn is about to be thrust into the fire, and like a precious metal will find their skills refined and honed into something more polished than they could have ever imagined. There will be tremendous pressure, and they will struggle with the discomfort of being thrown into a situation they’re not ready for, but once they come to the realization that the challenge is what’s forcing them to grow, to improve, to evolve, they will approach the situation with a positive mentality and the desire to soak up as much as they can from the experience. It’s rare, that we come to these realizations while we’re still in the midst of the growth journey, but when we do, it’s such a blessing to enjoy the process as it’s happening, instead of appreciating it in hindsight.
Aquarius is about to go through a period of substantial emotional growth. While it may appear to the casual bystander that nothing at all has changed, they can make a full transformation internally while their day to day remains the same on the surface. They can find confidence, self-esteem, and courage to live their truth in front of the world. They can find acceptance, peace, and stability. They can draw on their own peace to quiet the chaos around them. And in these small victories they are building a life they are proud of, a life that gives them satisfaction and purpose and belonging, and they don’t need to move across the country or get a makeover or win the lottery to do it.
Cancer is about to overcome the embarrassment of asking for help. Their growth journey is all about learning that the only way we can find out that we don’t know what we don’t know is for someone else to tell us. Sometimes we ask the question directly, and other times our ignorance bubble is burst with information being thrust at us with enough velocity to knock us on our own ass, but our futures depend on how we frame the experience. Everything we don’t know how to do, everything we’ve been doing wrong, can be a personal failing, or an opportunity to learn a new skill, or a new way of tackling an existing problem. Opportunity is a positive. It pushes our lives in a better direction.
Sagittarius loves to analyze, and the more closely they examine the world, the more likely they are to deconstruct the things they’ve taken for granted or at face value. And when institutions or networks or ways of thinking lose that surface level sparkle, along with their appeal, Sagittarius feels the void in a deep, spiritual way. Their growth journey is about what to do with that void. How do you fill the world with things they’d like to see? What does authenticity look like when you stop playing other people’s games by their made up rules? The critic and the critical thinker can tell you what’s wrong with someone else’s creation, but in that identification of lack, there is an invitation to create something better of your own.