4 Zodiacs With The Wildest, Weirdest Addictions
Pisces becomes addicted to the fantasy worlds they live in. They will become super fans of book and television series, so much so that they mourn the characters once the story has ended. To Pisces it feels like they are real people, almost family or friends, with whom they’ve shared an unforgettable experience. That last page or episode requires them to say goodbye to the bonds they’ve built, and the emotional connections they’ve felt. They lose that distinction between reality and fantasy and claim the fictional universe as their own, sometimes preferring it to their own lives, not wanting to check back into their day to day existence, and instead dwelling on the superiority of the made up world.
Taurus gets addicted to specific brands, and it doesn’t matter if it’s clothing or ramen, once they’ve found a preference they’ll never change. They are always seeking consistency and quality in their choices in life, and once they are happy with either or both, they won’t risk disappointment by trying something new. Companies would kill for this kind of consumer loyalty, because they know how many people a Taurus will tell about their products or services. They know Taurus sells their offering for them, without being asked to or paid a salary. It’s just built into their nature to spread the word when they believe something to be superior to all others. They can’t help but care, even if no one else does.
Capricorn gets addicted to the most mundane tasks, like scrubbing the grout with a toothbrush or mowing the lawn in a distinct pattern. They get into these habits that they can’t shake once they’ve started, because even if no one else notices, it will eat at them until they fix it. Color coding the excel spreadsheet to their liking, or organizing the refrigerator. It’s their own personal brand of OCD that reigns supreme, because it gives them a level of control and satisfaction that they can’t find anywhere else in their lives. They follow everyone else’s orders and rules in the rest of their life, for once they like getting to call the shots themselves, even if it does come with a ton of work for them to finish.
Libra gets addicted to certain meals and pairing certain dishes. Eating the same flavor chips with the same kind of sandwich because they compliment each other. Going on a smoothie kick for six months because they latch onto a food and want to eat it every day. Stocking up on all of their favorite snacks because you need to be prepared for a road trip or a slow afternoon at work, and each requires its own distinct menu. Their spice drawer or cabinet is perfectly arranged, and all of the food groups are present in their pantry. They are ready to host a party or survive an apocalypse at the drop of a hat and love the zen act of walking down each aisle at the grocery store.