4 Zodiacs Who Will Finally Make A Move With Their Crush In November
All it takes is a “hello”, Aquarius, to get this romantic ball rolling. There’s been plenty of eye contact, you’ve run into this person on almost a daily basis for god knows how long, you’re both clearly aware of each other’s presence, and all that’s left to do is to formally introduce yourself. At this point it should be the easiest thing in the world, the two of you are simply playing a game of chicken to see who will build up the courage first. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, no matter what kind of baggage you’ve been carrying around with you. Every relationship is different, you have learned and grown from your past experiences, and you are more than ready to see where this curiosity about an attractive stranger can lead to.
Gemini has been making up excuses to avoid their crush. They have too much work, their schedule is too packed, there’s never enough time in the calendar. But how much of that time is spent wondering what their life would be like with a partner. How much better dinner would taste sitting across from someone who makes them laugh. What it would be like to roll over and tell someone about the crazy dream they just woke up from. They know they are more than capable of loving someone else, they just come up with a million little reasons why it wouldn’t work before they’ve ever given it a try. But this month they are going to build up the courage, maybe after a margarita or two, to type out that text once again, but finally, hit send when they’re through.
Sagittarius is the least confident confident person you’ve ever met. They will go up and talk to any stranger, but believing that stranger would ever be interested in them is mission impossible for them. They always assume everyone is out of their league. So they are extra friendly, tell a million jokes, and place themselves firmly in the friend zone before anyone else has a chance to do it themselves. They are so afraid to let their heart speak loud enough to be heard, that it barely musters up a whisper. But this month, thankfully for them, their crush isn’t in a rowdy bar, or at a concert, or any other place where that whisper gets drowned out. Their crush is perceptive enough, patient enough, and intuitive enough to hear it for what it is.
Capricorn always feels like they have to accomplish something before they can be deserving of love, and so they take themselves out of the race entirely, never realizing how many people would love to get a chance to know them better. They just move through the world oblivious to anyone attempting to flirt with them, because they are so trapped in their own tunnel vision. But someone in particular breaks their intense focus, distracts them from their to-do list, and makes it impossible for them to sleep at night. It becomes such an issue that Capricorn is simply left with no other alternative than to say something about it before it drives them insane. It’s very Mr. Darcy of them, but luckily their charm and sincerity smooth out the rough edges of their delivery.