4 Zodiacs Who Will Speak Their Truth In November
Usually, Scorpio prefers to ghost those who have wronged them as the ultimate punishment, due to its impeccable success rate, but this month, they will ‘read’ the offender, in public, leaving an indelible stain on their reputation. Scorpio is practically making a public service announcement, ensuring no one will suffer the betrayal, deception, and humiliation they’ve just been through. Where they typically prefer to lick their wounds in private where prying eyes can’t see, the magnitude of this offense outweighs their own ego’s drive for self-preservation. There’s no shame or self-blaming here. They were smart enough, careful enough, and still ended up in this mess. Scorpio’s truth is, if this can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.
Pisces is going to stand up for themselves this month in a way no one ever has before. They will be their own advocate, hero, and savior, letting it be known to the world that they matter, their feelings matter, and they deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Whoever has felt they could walk all over Pisces until is in for a rude awakening. Their quiet, meek exteriors are misleading. They disguise the passionate, empowered intellectual residing within them, who can spring into action when necessary, as this occasion demands. No more will they silently endure the mistreatment and exclusion they’ve been subjected to. They will demand what they deserve, making and proving their case to any and every bystander present for this Oscar winning monologue.
Aries is finally going to let the cat out of the bag this month. Whatever it is they haven’t been able to tell anyone, whether it’s their real feelings, honest opinion, or true desires, the time has come for the truth to be exposed. They can’t hide, sugarcoat, or lie about it any longer, for they’ve realized the mere attempt is completely futile. While it’s quite the bandaid to rip off, rip it off they must. The fallout and chaos that will ensue in the aftermath are guaranteed, but Aries is ready to face the consequences. Trying to conduct or puppeteer everyone around them while they swept everything under the rug was never going to work. Their intentions were pure, but honesty is always the best policy.
It’s always hard to have to take a side, and for Libra more than anyone. But this is the month where the clock has run out on their chance to remain neutral. The time has come for them to declare their allegiance, no matter who will be offended by their choice. Sometimes we have to stand up for our values, our beliefs, our friends, or even just the head of the HOA. As much as Libra wants to avoid conflict, they want to avoid the negative outcome of not participating in this situation even more. Libra’s impact is crucial to this series of events, and adding their voice to the discussion is sure to be a catalyst for others to join in as well.