4 Zodiacs Who Are Embarking On An Emotional Journey This Fall
For Leo, the start of an emotional journey is always scary and intimidating. As the life of the party, they strive to maintain their reputation for ‘good vibes only’. But the thing about emotional journeys that they are quick to forget is that they often come full circle. Leo has delved into the darker, dustier corners of their own psyche before, and as difficult as it may be, what they find there is what allows them to return ‘home’ triumphant, more seasoned, experienced, and knowledgable about themselves. Leo can find greater happiness once they’ve embraced their sorrow. They feel more gratitude for what they have once they’ve acknowledged their own loss. It’s about coming full circle through the spectrum of emotions and being better for it on the other side.
The emotional journey for Cancer is also a literal one. It’s about visiting a loved one who lives far away, someone with whom they share deep, profound, close, loving memories. Someone who they always carry in their hearts, even when they are physically separated. What makes the journey even more emotional than normal is the passage of time, the steady aging of both parties. An acknowledgement, however subtle, that there is no way to know or guarantee this won’t be the last. And while that fear and sadness could easily overwhelm Cancer, they choose instead not to let it dominate the time they do have. They are going to hear beloved stories, ask the questions they’ve always wanted to, and simple soak up every second they can with their loved one.
Gemini is moving further from home. Whether it’s out of their childhood bedroom or across the globe, this separation from the people and things they’ve taken for granted as a unmovable constant in their lives is an extremely emotional shift for them. In many ways, they will feel more alone than ever, and in others, they feel they will finally be able to answer that daunting question, “Who am I on my own?” Gemini will be exposed to new people, new perspectives, and decide for themselves what their own world view is. No matter how old they are, this experience is a coming of age for them, a date with destiny they’ve been putting off for too long. The time has come to embark into the unknown.
Taurus’ emotional journey is that of saying ‘goodbye’ to someone who has been an important part of their lives for a long time. Whether it’s a romantic partner, a friend, or a mentor, some aspect of the relationship has drastically changed from when it started. And because it’s happened incrementally over time, Taurus may wake up one day and come to a dramatic realization of everything all at once. They will mourn the loss of the bond, reminisce over all of the good times from the past, and ask themselves frightening questions about what is to come, and whether anyone else could ever step into this person’s shoes. Breakups and separations of any kind are always a huge moment to overcome, but Taurus will take their time to process it at their own pace.