How To Strengthen Your Relationship This September, According To Your Zodiac + Tarot
The Empress
The Empress is a card about nurturing which is a good ingredient for deepening any relationship. She represents abundance and signifies that it exists within the relationship already. Her appearance is a sign that there is naturally unconditional love there. The Empress’ affection is gentle, yet it is unreserved. This card is an indicator you can unabashedly pour love into the relationship. Her empathy allows her exactly the sort of insight needed to naturally strengthen relationships. All you need to deepen your relationships is to let this naturally empathetic and loving side of yours come out.
The Fool
There’s something exciting about the beginnings of relationships and the giddiness of love felt during them. If your relationship isn’t at that beginning stage, think of how you felt when it was and try to embrace those feelings once again. Allow yourself to be swept off your feet all over again (or do the sweeping). This card signifies that it’s time to begin embarking on a joyous journey of discovery and sharing. Approach the relationship with a renewed, open heart. If you feel like you’re being asked to take a leap of faith, the appearance of the Fool is a signal it might be worth it.
8 of Swords, Reversed
Things have felt very rocky lately and you are feeling blocked and trapped. In order to create stronger relationships you need to let go of the fear and anxiety that have you feeling that way. This is especially true if you feel particularly hemmed-in by stories of relationships gone sour in your past. Your anxiety is high and it feels like you have no power and no options, but you do. To strengthen your relationships allow yourself to see all the options – even the painful ones – that are on the table.
Page of Wands
There is a new spark of passion here, surrounded by many other possibilities. To make relationships in your life stronger, welcome new opportunities and relationships and allow passionate enthusiasm into current ones. Spend time to clearly communicate your goals and motivations. Be certain to listen to the goals and motivations of those you care about. Be open to what new experiences can introduce into your relationships and welcome the opportunity to learn new things or engage in new activities with your inner circle. All of the new experiences you’re being presented with represent chances to deepen and strengthen your emotional bonds.
Queen of Wands, Reversed
Intensity and passion are such a part of your spirit, Leo, and they will serve you well in deepening and strengthening your relationships over the weeks to come. Your radiant energy and authenticity has probably attracted a circle of strong and independent people, and the most important thing you can do to strengthen your relationships is to help those around you feel more empowered and inspired. Don’t be afraid of how brightly your passion burns – face it and embrace it fully. Your confidence in your feelings will inspire the same confidence in those you care about.
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man indicates that it’s a time to take things slow and watch what develops. There are a lot of things in life that can be planned and will work according to timetables, but relationships aren’t necessarily one of them, especially not in the coming weeks. The Hanged Man might also indicate that surrendering old habits within relationships to make room for new possibilities is the best way forward. Strengthening your relationships will mean giving space and time to see what develops so you can see the best possible path forward. Patience is key, and sacrifice your desire to be bolder in order to create something that will withstand the test of time.
2 of Wands, Reversed
You are feeling a lot of anxiety and trepidation about the future. Part of it may be the fact you’ve had some rough relationships in the past, and it’s impacting your relationships in the present. The reversed Two of Wands might also indicate that at the core of it all is a feeling of dissatisfaction because things feel unmoored and directionless in your relationships right now. To strengthen your relationships, ask yourself what it would take to improve your feelings about the situation, and if it’s something you’re willing to embark on. When making choices about how to proceed, make sure you aren’t romanticizing the situation.
Ace of Wands, Reversed
Things feel a bit on again, off again, and there’s an unevenness and unpredictability to how you feel in relationships right now. Things feel less steady and supportive than you’d like, and you aren’t feeling like there’s a solid foundation to build on. While there’s a lot of passion and potential, there isn’t focus. Examine why you feel this way, and what expectations you are holding that you feel are unmet. Where do you want things to go? Once you understand these answers, strengthen and deepen your relationship by sharing your needs and desires.
King of Swords
Your relationships are filled with loyalty and honesty, and there is an openness to the communication that is refreshing and fulfilling. You feel comfortable saying what you are thinking and feeling. The straightforward simplicity of your communication gives the potential for longevity. To foster and nurture your relationships requires you to stay that course, and to continue to be brave in your honesty. Don’t allow yourself to become emotionally detached, and invest some of your time in listening to those you care about, so that they can feel that same security that you do.
Ace of Cups, Reversed
It feels like things are growing stagnant and stale, despite all of the potential that was once there, or it could signify a particularly overwhelming time. Regardless, it’s an indication of an imbalance. To strengthen your relationships, Capricorn, you need to find solid ground and steady yourself. Remember why you have the relationships that you do. Examine the relationship dynamics to ensure that they are properly balanced – is one of you giving more than the other? What are you expecting that you aren’t receiving? Remember what you were hoping for in your relationships, and determine what it would take to get there.
2 of Swords
You feel uncertain and like things are at a deadlock in your relationships right now. You aren’t sure what to do, and you don’t feel like you have enough information to make appropriate moves to improve them. You might be feeling detached and isolated, and unsure what steps to take to make it back. The Two of Swords could also indicate that there’s a problem that needs to be solved in order for the relationship to advance, but you aren’t sure how to approach it or what the best solution is. There may be more that you are able to see and understand than you think.
Knight of Cups
Your relationships right now are extremely loving, open, and warm. You feel like you can wear your heart on your sleeve – and you should! The best way to deepen and strengthen your relationships is to continue to pour your love into them, and to allow your empathy and compassion to be your guide. You’ve done an amazing job at building relationships that are healthy and strong. Don’t allow skepticism or cynicism to cloud your excitement, and don’t become too guarded. Instead be confident in the depth and strength of the emotional bonds you’ve created.