3 Zodiacs Who Need Constant Care And Attention In A Relationship
Investing plenty of time and energy into building a romantic rapport with your ideal partner, relationships don’t always come easily for some people. Such is especially the case when you’re dating someone who constantly needs your support and attention, sometimes to an almost exhausting degree. Whether sending their romantic suitors a flurry of late-night texts or implementing mandatory date nights twice every week, these signs demand their partners’ undivided attention, growing restless and worried whenever they escape their lovers’ notice.
It may take you a while to get into the groove of things, Taurus, but once you do, you can’t imagine any other alternative to the new norms you’ve recently adopted. Requiring a constant sense of stability and support, you hate the idea of unexpected changes upending the meticulous life you’ve cultivated for yourself. Though it might require you a few months to fully accept your partner into your life, once you’ve done so, you don’t want to let them go, craving their physical presence whenever you’re unable to see them in-person.
There’s a reason Cancers are often described as one of the most loving astrological signs. Forever providing emotional support to your friends, family, and closest loved ones, you long to one day receive the same amount of care you give out to others, hence the intensity of your romantic feelings. While few romantic partners are able to match your doting behavior, you certainly appreciate the extra effort they make in ensuring you feel comfortable – something you always want to feel, regardless of how long you’ve been dating.
You like to think of yourself as the main character in a long, epic novel, Leo, never shying away from a chance to soak up the spotlight and hold others’ rapt attention. As a direct extension of your outgoing charisma, you like to think of your romantic partners as an audience of one, allowing you a steady supply of love and admiration that you typically thrive on. Never wanting to lose the spark that comes with an initial romantic encounter, you want your partner to drown you in love, bombarding you with compliments and flattering text messages on a 24/7 basis.