What Law & Order SVU Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?
Raise your hand if you’ve seen every episode of Law & Order: SVU through at least 2-3 times. Okay, keep your hand raised if it’s your comfort show that you can watch when you’re feeling happy, sad, angry, or depressed. Okay, now keep your hand raised if you’ve ever said “I wish Olivia Benson were here!”
I’d say a good majority of you kept your hand up for all three of those statements and its because Law & Order: SVU is undeniable as one of the best shows ever. Maybe it’s my bias but tons of us think so, so it has to be partly true. If you’ve ever wondered what detective you might be from the SVU world, you’re not alone. Keep reading to find out!
Aries: Fin Tutuola

Tutuola is someone that you don’t want to cross and you definitely don’t want to be on his bad side. The same can be said about Aries. Being bold, fierce, and unapologetic is what an Aries is all about and that perfectly encapsulates Tutuola. You get what you get with an Aries and with Tutuola, and if they’re telling you and showing you they don’t like you, you can wholeheartedly believe them.
Taurus: Casey Novak

Taureans are stubborn, justice-seekers who are determined to get their way how they can. Casey Novak is the same type of headstrong individual. Taureans and Novak are calculated in their innate drive to win and be right. Novak wants justice for all of the victims she encounters and stops at nothing to bring them to that justice, especially if she can convict them with the highest punishment.
Gemini: Rafael Barba

Ahh, the twins that are constantly caught between logic and emotions. It’s a fine line to straddle between being too in-tune with one’s emotions and taking the logical response or approach, and that’s a problem that Barba also often runs into. Barba is evidence-based and it is very cut and dry with his opinions and interpretations of the law, but every so often, his heart gets him caught up and he realizes that his job and the law may not be as black and white as he wants it to be.
Cancer: Donald Cragen

A Cancer is typically regarded as being highly emotional and intuitive, which personifies Captain Cragen. While he does have to have a hardened exterior and be calculated about a lot of his responses, Cragen is highly sensitive to the victims he encounters as well as the team he leads. Cancers and Cragen show that they can be brave and stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves while offering a listening and helpful ear. They will always have your best interest in mind.
Leo: Alex Cabot

Leos are lovers of the limelight and they are naturally given that attention because of the way they carry themselves. Alex Cabot carries herself in such a high regard that she claims the attention of anyone in her presence. She is enigmatic but also serious and stoic when she is fighting for the right thing. Her presence feels right and she will confidently and boldly command any room or conversation she is in.
Virgo: Melinda Warner

Virgos are meticulous and focus on the smallest details when performing a task. This is also exactly what a Medical Examiner’s job is, meaning a Virgo is most like Melinda Warner. Warner is diligent and practical and performs her job with a fine-tooth comb. She is always on top of it and finds things that aren’t obvious to the naked eye. She does her job with pride, which screams Virgo.
Libra: Amanda Rollins

Libras are all about balance and finding a common ground between nice and fair. Detective Rollins is the same way. She may appear to be tough on the outside, but inside she is emotional, intuitive, and can be a bleeding heart. Libras and Rollins show compassion and want to find justice in a very unjust world. She seeks to bring the truth to light and find a balance between right and wrong.
Scorpio: Elliot Stabler

Scorpios are natural-born leaders and tend to be very obsolete and stubborn, just like Elliot Stabler. Stabler feels he is always in the right and his decisions are the right decisions, regardless of how they may be perceived by someone else. Scorpios and Stabler tend to be impulsive when emotions take over, forcing themselves into sticky situations sometimes, but regardless they still stand by their choices.
Sagittarius: Dominick Carisi

If you’ve met a Sagittarius, you know they’re charismatic, full of energy, and can be very inquisitive. This is just like Carisi. He always wants to know every detail of the cases, but provides a positive energy to the team. Both Carisi and Sagittarius can be impulsive when it comes to speaking their mind, which can sometimes be to the detriment of themselves. However, both tend to learn quickly and aim to work on bettering themselves.
Capricorn: Olivia Benson

Capricorns are responsible, independent, and diplomatic, just like Olivia Benson. Capricorns and Olivia both have a strong work ethic and don’t take no for an answer. Olivia will do anything she can to find justice for a victim and see through to the finish line. Capricorns are career driven and Olivia lives her life by her career.
Aquarius: John Munch

Aquarians are sometimes referred to as the “weirdos” because they march to the beat of their own drum, and is one in the same. Munch always has a dry sense of humor and wit about him and it ended up being wildly different from the others on his team. Whether you loved or hated Munch, he was a pivotal part of the team and provided a bit of eccentricities to the show.
Pisces: Dr. Huang

Pisces are also highly emotional and in tune with their emotions, while having so much empathy and compassion for others. Dr. Huang, being a therapist, was always there for people and gave the victims a place to feel safe to talk about their experiences and he would offer them compassion and advice, which is very Pisces of him. Because of how much energy depletion is required for therapy and how much energy a Pisces gives off for others, it does cause burnout easy, so it makes sense that Dr. Huang took an early retirement.