What Sport Are You Based On Your Zodiac?
Are you a former or current athlete? Are you a die-hard sports team fan and you never miss a game? Whether you actively play a sport or love the game and love watching and supporting your favorite team, there might be a link between your zodiac sign and what sport you’re meant for.
If you’ve ever been curious about what sport exemplifies the traits of your sign, keep reading!
Aries are bold, in your face, and always down for a challenge. This matches well with boxing or MMA. You can take and throw a punch, at least metaphorically, so why not give the physical a try? Check out a local boxing or MMA class and learn how to put all your pent-up energy into a glove and a speed bag.
A Taurus is elegant and also needs to be doing something constantly. They should be moving often and moving effortlessly, almost as if they’re gliding. For these reasons, swimming makes the most sense for a Taurus. You can practice skimming across the water and being light as a feather to propel further. Whether you are swimming at a local YMCA pool or in open water, you’ll be energized by giving your body a way to move in all directions.
Geminis are all about collaboration and being a friend to everyone, but they still want the center of attention sometimes. Their high energy lends them well to basketball. Not only do Geminis get a chance to socialize with their teammates and be part of the in-crowd, but they’ll also get to showcase their pizzazz through their shoe game, free-throw game, and pre-game fit.
Cancers wear their heart on their sleeves and are fiercely loyal to their closest confidants. Because of this, Football would be a great sport for them. The whole team has to play together as a unit to succeed and they never leave a (wo)man behind. This is just like a Cancer to make sure their whole friend and family group is taken care of and supported. However, Cancer can be somewhat sensitive, so flag football might be the best place to start to get their feet wet.
Leos want the spotlight. They want to be noticed and they want to be revered as a leader with their confidence exuding from every angle. Their perfect sport is CrossFit. At the highest level, they would have one of the biggest stages in sports and thousands of fans getting to watch them compete and dominate against the competition. What more could they ask for? Get into your local box and learn how to flex your ego.
Virgos are meticulous, perfectionists, and want to excel at the most challenging of tasks. A Virgo would do well with long-distance running. Whether that is participating in 5ks or marathons, a Virgo can showcase their dedication to being in it for the long haul while showing off their perfectly executed training plan that makes them successful in their run. Plus, they can run anywhere giving them no excuses to get started right now!
Libra is a fun and flirty sign that is also all about balance and harmony. One sport that comes to mind with these qualities is tennis. The passes between opponents must be in perfect balance to keep the volley going and it requires a little bit of charm between the two players to keep them moving back and forth across the court. Tennis takes mental skill as well as physical, so the reward for winning is much higher and a Libra will love that.
Scorpios are cold, and distant, and want to be alone most of the time. They keep to themselves and even keep things close to their chest with people they consider good friends. Team sports may not be the best for them, but a Scorpio can certainly get enjoyment out of a thrill like white river rafting. They can disappear in the woods and rapids for long periods and just zone out and focus on their contemplation. Plus, the rapids can be incredibly challenging and require a calm demeanor but a quick-thinking brain.
A Sagittarius is full of energy, wants to communicate, and always wants to be on the go. Soccer is the sport for our fast-paced Sagittarius’. They get the chance to play with friends on a team that is very tight-knit while also allowing an opportunity to let their energy out as they race up and down the field. Their natural high energy will sustain them as the plays get more and more intense as time goes on. Plus, winning celebrations are intense and will light the fire even further for a Sagittarius.
Capricorns are prestigious and exquisite. Their focus is on success and being driven to foster even more success. Skiing is one sport that just screams prestige and even wealth, which is important to a financially responsible Capricorn. Even though skiing is a challenge and requires a ton of skill, it is reserved for those who have the financial means and upper-echelon attitude that Capricorns have. Plus, the extra challenge of going down a snowy mountain briskly and effectively is an attractive quality to a Capricorn.
Aquarius loves to be different and unique, and it is the ultimate insult to them to be compared to anyone else. They have a strong sense of justice and feel otherworldly, so hiking and rock climbing is the best sport for them. Both of these activities allow a curious Aquarius to explore places that feel out of this earth and reconnect with the vastness that is mother nature. Every step further into the forest and every step higher on the mountain will allow them to feel more whole and realize how little we all are in comparison to the environment.
Pisces tend to be a little more spiritual and in tune with their emotions and everyone’s emotions around them. They can feel everything, whether they want to or not. Surfing is the perfect sport for them because they get to feel the waves swelling and falling beneath their board. The water comes and goes, just like their emotions and of course, they’re a water sign so it only makes sense. Surfing makes anyone feel like they’re in a daydream and floating on a cloud, just like Pisces wishes they were at all times.