Olga Lioncat

4 Zodiacs So Self-Aware, They Basically Analyze Themselves


Sagittarius may seem like the type who talks so much they can’t be aware of anyone or anything around them, but when the party is over and everyone’s gone home, they go into an introverted mode and process all of the data they’ve collected during their extroverted experiences during the day. They need time to themselves to reflect on their own thoughts and emotions in a quiet space. They are extremely deep thinkers and frequently dwell on heavier topics. Sometimes that means they’re carrying around more existential dread than anyone ever realizes while they’re off being the life of the party, but even then their efforts to remain positive are a self-aware coping mechanism to balance out some of that anxiety about life.


Virgo knows they’re being a Virgo, 24/7. It’s an active choice to continue down the path they’ve chosen, no matter how isolating and difficult it can be. They often ask themselves why they feel the need to combat the system, instead of retreating within themselves or seeking out a corner of the world that is more aligned with their belief systems and preferences, and, at the end of the day, they think it’s most likely their own self-esteem. A voice inside them that declares, even in the most frustrating of circumstances, “I deserve to be here. My thoughts are of value”. So they plant their feet and stand firm, snark their snark, and don’t take shit from anyone. They can always beat their enemies at their own game.


Gemini never makes a decision from a place of ignorance or naivety. They are painfully self-aware of every single time they bite off more than they can chew. Every time they tell someone ‘yes’ to an ask that’s practically impossible. Every time they know they’ll have to push themselves to the absolute limit to keep their word, even if it’s just to themselves. When they ask themselves where this personality trait stems from, they keep coming back to a sense of FOMO. A fear that every opportunity they let slip by could be the very thing that changes their life for the better. So they take on the work, make the plans, keep the dates because they truly believe their initiative is the master of their destiny.


Libra knows their own needs down the the T. How much sleep they require. How much social energy they can expend in a given week. What kind of food will make them feeling alert and energized. The routines they need to follow to maintain a sense of stability and mental well-being. Everyone thinks they’re just balanced for balance’s sake, but the truth is that Libra knows what it feels like to go too far in any direction and chooses not to. They choose to avoid the hangover, the late fees, the consequences of procrastinating. They take their life into their own hands, because they want to control as much as they can in the face of life’s uncertainties.