What Star Wars Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac
It’s almost May the 4th, and if you’re a Star Wars fan, you know this is a national holiday. We celebrate by binging all the episodes in the franchise or maybe even watching our favorite Disney+ spin-off. Either way, the day will be spent watching Jedi and Sith battle it out to save the galaxy. But have you ever wondered what Star Wars character your zodiac sign is most like? Let’s find out.
Aries: Darth Vader

Aries are known to be bold, daring, and usually pretty impulsive. Darth Vader is an aggressive and bold leader, and he stands firm, especially in situations like where he chooses to save his son over obey his master.
Taurus: Luke Skywalker

Stubborn, loyal, and trustworthy are all traits of a Taurus sign, as is Luke Skywalker. Taurus has a lot of integrity; once their mind is made up, they will see their way through. This is exactly how Luke embarks on a long journey to uncover the truth and fight for those he loves.
Gemini: BB-8

A Gemini is curious, enigmatic, quick-witted, and skilled. BB-8 mirrors all those Gemini personality traits to a T. BB-8 can quickly get their friends out of sticky situations and knows when to avoid the wrong situation. No matter the case, the quick wit of a Gemini can see them through any puzzle, just like BB-8.
Cancer: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan is wise and caring and brings out the best in everyone around him, just like a Cancer. Cancers are emotional beings who strive to protect those they love. Obi-Wan most definitely embodies that core of a Cancer.
Leo: Anakin Skywalker

Leos are all about strength, courage, and being in the limelight. Anakin Skywalker has all of these traits, and his extroverted behavior and intense emotions make him a dead-ringer for a Leo. Anakin struggles with what he believes is right and what is actually right but is a natural-born leader like Leos.
Virgo: C-3PO

Virgos are incredibly particular, logical, and perfectionists. When considering these traits, C-3PO is the first that comes to mind. C-3PO gets fussy when things don’t go how they would want them to, as they believe they are always right. While C-3PO can appear cold and brash, they will jump at the chance to help their friends whenever needed.
Libra: Padme Amidala

Libras are even-keeled and diplomatic but can be distracted and consumed with love and flattery. Padme is a diplomatic Senator who gets herself into trouble when connecting with Anakin, where her sights are distracted by love and lust. Not all Libras will have fatal love consequences like Padme, but the similarities exist.
Scorpio: Emperor Palpatine

Palpatine is motivated, sinister, and secretive, just like a Scorpio. He hides behind his big hood and dim lighting, but his ruthlessness and sharp tongue are biting to anyone who crosses his path. Scorpio always keeps an air of elusiveness, and Palpatine does the same.
Sagittarius: Han Solo

Sagittarius’ are the fan favorites, the travelers, and adventure seekers. This is exactly like Han Solo. Han is everyone’s favorite, minus the Sith, and he is willing to travel far and wide to keep his friends and family safe. He can be a little impulsive like a Sagittarius, but always finds a way to turn the tables in his favor.
Capricorn: Boba Fett

Boba Fett is disciplined, motivated, and practical, just like a Capricorn. Boba Fett will never turn down an opportunity to make money, but he can be a little relentless and stubborn in pursuing those paychecks. Capricorns, while practical and driven, tend to be a little stubborn, just like Boba.
Aquarius: Yoda

Nothing says Aquarius more than retiring to a swamp like Yoda did. Yoda is off-beat, unpredictable, and truthfully ethereal. Yoda is the epitome of an Aquarius; they both share a strong sense of social justice and creativity.
Pisces: Ahsoka Tano

Pisces can sometimes be likened to being a dreamer and highly emotional, but a Pisces will also fight for their loved ones and what they feel is right. This is just like Ahsoka Tano. Both Pisces and Ahsoka will stop at nothing to pursue their dreams and what they find to be right in their hearts.