Timothée Chalamet and Kylie Jenner Astrological Compatibility

If you’ve been questioning whether or not Timothée Chalamet and Kylie Jenner will work out in the long run, you’re not alone. The couple’s astrological compatibility is also up for debate, as it seems as though the stars may not be perfectly aligned for Chalet and Jenner.

Timothée Chalamet: Capricorn

Born on December 27, Timothée Chalamet is a Capricorn, a sign known for discipline, ambition, and practicality. Capricorns are earth signs, which causes them to be very grounded and focused on their goals. They’re often very mature signs who speak with experience that almost seems to be beyond their years. For Capricorns, stability and loyalty are two important traits in relationships; they’re dedicated to the people they care about, and want to receive that same dedication back in return. This sign also takes their commitments very seriously; they may not be the best at expressing their emotions outwardly, as they tend to be more stoic, but Capricorn isn’t playing around when it comes to their relationships. 

Kylie Jenner: Leo

Kylie Jenner, born on August 10, is a Leo, a sign who exhibits vibrancy and creativity—and definitely loves attention. Leos are fire signs, which makes them passionate and full of life. Fire signs also tend to hold a natural charisma that causes other people to feel drawn to them. Leos thrive on admiration and constant affection—they’re generous and warm people, but they also crave excitement. These values follow Leo into their relationships, where they want both lots of attention and admiration with their partner while also wanting to pursue new adventures with them. Though Leos are an intensely loyal sign, they look for partners who match their endless energy. 

Compatibility Analysis

When it comes to astrological compatibility, Capricorn and Leo present an interesting mix of earth and fire elements. This combination can either lead to a balanced and complementary dynamic or highlight fundamental differences in both signs’ temperament and values.


One of the strengths of a Capricorn-Leo pairing is the blend of ambition and creativity a Cap-Leo couple can display. Capricorn’s discipline and Leo’s innovative spirit will often work together to create a powerful dynamic, allowing both signs to push each other past their limits and achieve great things—both together and individually. Both signs also share certain values when it comes to relationships, namely loyalty, commitment, and dedication, which can give them a strong foundation to work with when it comes to romance. The possibility of endless creations and achievements when it comes to a Cap-Leo couple can be alluring for both signs.


The primary challenge for this pairing lies in their different approaches to love. Leo needs affection, but Capricorn tends to be more reserved, which can sometimes cause tension and miscommunication between this astrological pairing. Leo, a spontaneous sign, may also clash with Capricorn’s goal-oriented nature; Capricorn may find Leo’s need for expression and spontaneity tiring, while Leo will only end up feeling bored without enough excitement. 

Chalamet and Jenner Compatibility

Capricorn and Leo aren’t soulmate signs, but they’re not necessarily destined to be a failed couple, either. A relationship between Chalamet and Jenner would require a lot of effort and consistent communication from both sides. A Cap-Leo duo has a lot of potential, especially seeing as Chalamet and Jenner are both creative types who find value in their work. But any relationship between a Capricorn and a Leo depends on both signs’ willingness to adapt to each other’s needs and values; if the two aren’t consistent with their communication and dedicated to understanding each other better, a Cap-Leo dynamic duo can quickly turn into a blow-up failure. Chalamet and Jenner may not be able to have an effortless fairytale romance, but if the two continue to put in effort, they’ll both see a lot of success in their personal and romantic lives.