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Tarotscope For Today: Wednesday, February 28, 2024

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Your card: The High Priestess

Today is a great time to connect to your higher consciousness, Aries. It’s time to check in with your intuition, get reacquainted with whatever form of spirituality you believe in, and take stock of your mental health. Listen to what you need and do what you can to feed your spirit—and listen to what your conscience and intuition are telling you right now, because you’re more connected to your inner knowing than usual.


Your card: Judgement

You might be having a spiritual awakening today, Taurus—or, at the very least, you might find yourself transforming in small but meaningful ways. You’re ready to shed the things that no longer serve you, take a good hard look at the things that have been draining you, and forgive yourself for the things you’ve been giving yourself a hard time about. Lean into this rebirth of yourself—it is leading you to where you’re meant to be.


Your card: Knight of Wands

Today is full of action for you, Gemini—you’re feeling inspired and ready to jump at any idea that comes your way. Your full of passion and determination, and anyone who knows you also knows that this energy has the potential to bring out the best in you—or, alternatively, the worst. Be careful not to act too recklessly or to put too much stake into an opportunity without thinking it over first. There is so much potential for you here, just make sure you know what you’re signing up for.


Your card: Page of Pentacles

New opportunities are making themselves known in your life right now, Cancer—some of which may promise a welcome inflow of cash. While this isn’t necessarily a promise of abundance, it is a sign that now is the time to start manifesting it, because as long as you stay focused and put in the work, you’re likely to see the fruits of your labors. If you keep going, success is almost a guarantee.


Your card: Five of Wands

Conflict is in the air today, Leo, and you can’t escape the tension. It might be that you’re at the center of the problem—you are, after all, competitive at heart—but even if you’re somewhat removed from it, you’re still caught in the throes of drama, unable to untangle yourself from it completely. While a little conflict is healthy, it’s best to put in the work to find a resolution here—listen to what others have to say, consider different viewpoints, and don’t bulldozer someone just because you don’t agree with them.


Your card: Seven of Wands

You might feel more defensive than usual today, Virgo—and perhaps for good reason. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, but it seems like others are coveting what you’ve rightly earned. It’s not bad to keep your guard up with people who don’t seem genuine or who could have an ulterior motive. Other people’s jealousy might turn its ugly head today, and it’s best to protect your peace than try to be the people pleaser you often feel the urge to become.


Your card: Knight of Swords, reversed

Your energy is all over the place today, Libra. It may be that you have a lot of it but nowhere to put it, leading you to make impulsive and unwise decisions; on the other hand, you might be feeling burnt out and unable to keep up. Whatever it may be, it’s important to take a step back and a time out, whether that’s to conserve your energy or to figure out the best way to channel it.


Your card: Ten of Cups, reversed

Today you might feel like you’re struggling to connect with the people in your life, Scorpio. You’re the kind of person who thrives on depth, so when you feel like a relationship has gone shallow or doesn’t have the space to hold your vastness, you can feel disillusioned or disappointed. It’s possible you saw a possibility for something real and stable, only to realize you were projecting your expectations onto the situation; alternatively, it might just be an off day that’s making you look at your relationships and wonder if they can ever measure up. It might be a good time to take a step back and ask yourself what you want from the people around you and whether or not you’re settling for something less than you deserve.


Your card: The Emperor

You’re in a strong position today, Sagittarius. You’re in control of yourself and the situations surrounding you, and people are likely looking up to your authority. However, be careful that this sense of control isn’t going to your head—keep your general sense of openmindedness in check and remember that others opinions have merit, too. While it’s good to have a grip on what’s going on around you, there’s also such a thing as being too controlling.


Your card: Knight of Cups

Today is full of charm and creativity—enough to make even someone as practical as you swoon a bit, Capricorn. This is the card of the romantic, and you might find some of that energy coloring your lens of the world today, tinting reality with its rosy hues. Look for beauty and compassion everywhere, and let your heart lead you where it wants to go—even if it means ignoring that part of your brain that prides itself in being incredibly logical.


Your card: Four of Pentacles

Today is all about conservation, Aquarius. It’s possible that you’ve been doing a great job at saving your money—or, alternatively, this is a sign that it’s important to start doing so and that you’ll be looking at your finances a little differently than usual. Maybe it has nothing to do with money at all—maybe it’s about conserving your resources, your time, your energy. Whatever it is, take a good, hard look at your output and figure out if it’s still working for you.


Your card: Death, reversed

If you’ve been resisting change, Pisces, this is your reality check. While you’re great at going with the flow, you’re also incredibly sentimental, which can make it difficult to move on, even when there is no other option. Whether you realize it or not, allowing yourself to let go and give in could lead to the beginning of an incredibly important inner transformation for you—you are growing and changing, too, and it’s important to who you’re meant to become.