Oğuz Uğur

Your Karmic Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac

A karmic partner is a catalyst – one who often evokes powerful change – not because they’re a healthy soulmate for you in the long run, but because you often learn to set boundaries and grow in your self-love by detaching from them and choosing yourself first. Unlike healthy soulmates, karmic relationships tend to be marked by chaos, yet can catapult your soul’s growth, pushing you to detach and seek out authentic love. Here is the sign most likely to be your karmic soulmate, based on your zodiac.


Aries, your karmic soulmate is likely Cancer. Where you are bold and brazen, Cancer is emotionally tumultuous. A Cancer karmic partner will bring out the worst in you, challenging you to face your emotions head-on without hiding it beneath your need for control. In the long-run, both of you face deep incompatibilities which make communication difficult, making this a toxic relationship that is often better off left in the past.


Gemini, your karmic partner is Pisces. Your multifacetedness simply doesn’t align with the laser focus of a Pisces karmic who wants your attention focused on them. A Pisces karmic will usually tug at your heartstrings but leave you in the cold when it comes to pursuing your freedom. Ultimately, you must detach from your karmic partner in order to pursue your true destiny without anything holding you back. 


Your karmic partner can come in the form of a Capricorn. A Capricorn karmic partner usually demands perfection from you, and you can find yourself jumping through hoops and moving goal posts just to please them. Find acceptance, approval, and self-validation from within and you will get closer to finding a genuinely healthy soulmate who supports you.


Your karmic partner is likely to be a Taurus. You and Taurus will share a sizzling sexual chemistry that often feels forbidden just by how intense and full of ecstasy it is. But the truth is, despite all your mutual attraction, a Taurus karmic partner can fall short in fulfilling you emotionally and bring up all your abandonment wounds. You will often find a healthier soulmate in someone committing to cherishing you in all the right ways.


Your karmic partner will likely be a Virgo. Virgo will feel appealing to you at first because they seem to share similar values and outlooks on life. They fit the “image” you want to portray the world. But it’s important to discern the difference between someone who’s truly right for you and someone you think should be right for you. A Virgo karmic will challenge you to see beyond what you think you should desire and tap into your true desires. 


Your karmic partner can come in the form of an Aries. An Aries’ flirtatious nature will bring up past traumas from relationships you still need to heal. As you resolve these wounds, you’ll find yourself gravitating toward healthier soulmates who show their commitment to you in more stable ways.


Your karmic partner is likely to be a Scorpio. Scorpio will unearth all your darkness, giving you insight into everything you hide behind your cheerful mask. As you tap into the taboo emotions you’ve buried for so long, you’ll watch your manifestations skyrocket. At the same time, such a chaotic relationship is usually not stable in the long run. Scorpio will be a powerful catalyst for birthing your desires, but a healthier soulmate will often follow.


Your karmic partner comes in the form of a Libra. Libra’s ability to bring up all your worst insecurities can evoke profound change and transformation as you work toward your goals. Long-term, however, the relationship can lack a stable foundation.


Your karmic partner is likely to be a Sagittarius. The wanderlust and freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius draws you in but can often create issues of jealousy and not feeling quite enough. Such a karmic inspires you to delve deeply into your sense of self-worth in this lifetime and create the confidence to pursue healthier relationships that feel more secure.


Cancer, your karmic partner is usually a Leo. The gregarious extroversion of Leo can contrast your emotional despair and challenge you to take on a more optimistic outlook on life, allowing for greater personal growth and a more balanced perspective. However, your contrasting natures often create too much of a clash to be sustainable long-term.


Your karmic partner can come in the form of an Aquarius. Aquarius karmic partners can sometimes behave cold and aloof, which can trigger your anxious nature and need to control, micromanage, and police things. Usually, such a relationship feels more like managing a job than a relationship, and you end up pursuing healthier soulmates who can give you the time and energy you deserve. 


Taurus, your karmic partner is a Gemini. Both you and Gemini love sensuality and indulgence, which can initially create a deep chemistry between you two. However, the relationship can run into many obstacles when it comes to loyalty. Both of you would need a deep trust for each other in order to survive. Usually, you end up pursuing more stable relationships with healthy soulmates that are more empowering to you personally.