4 Zodiacs Who Don't Trust Anyone (Except Their Dog)
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4 Zodiacs Who Don’t Trust Anyone (Except Their Dog)

It’s hard to trust people when you have been hurt time and time again. Even though you know not everyone is like your ex, there’s always a chance that history will repeat itself. It’s why it’s so tempting to keep your guard high and shut everyone else out. Here are the zodiacs who don’t trust anyone, aside from their dog:


You have been betrayed before, and you never want to repeat the experience. You keep your heart under lock and key because you don’t want to grow too attached to the wrong person. You shut out anyone who tries to get close to you in order to avoid heartbreak – aside from your dog. You let yourself love your furry friend fully. You let yourself care about them in ways you rarely care about another human being. You would do anything to make your dog happy because they deserve the world. You would go out of your way for them because your love for them is limitless. You can’t get enough of them.


You are extra cautious about who you let into your heart because you don’t want to fall for the wrong person again. You don’t want to end up trusting the wrong person, only to have them disappoint you and prove that they’re just like everyone else. After your past experiences, you don’t really trust anyone to stay loyal – except your dog. You know they will always be there for you. No matter what happens, you’ll have them to cheer you up. You have them to keep you company. You have them to remind you that you deserve to be loved. You aren’t sure when you’re going to find the love of your life, but at least you have your dog’s love. That’s better than the love of any human.


You have trouble trusting other humans because it feels like they always have ulterior motives. They are always doing what’s best for themselves without truly caring about how they make you feel. But it’s different with your dog. Your animal genuinely cares about the way you’re feeling. They are sad when you’re sad. And they’re always excited to see you. They show their love openly, unlike most people you have met who are cagey about what they’re thinking and never vocalize their feelings for you. Dating can be an absolute disaster since there’s so many secrets and hidden agendas. Everything is so much easier with your dog. You know they love you, and you love them back. It’s as simple as that.


You don’t trust most people that you meet. You don’t want to let your guard down around them because there’s a good chance they’re going to hurt you. You can’t help but be pessimistic when it comes to love because you have been hurt so many times in the past. But dogs have never hurt you. They have only give you unconditional love and affection. They have only enhanced your life. You love and trust your dog in a way you could never love and trust another human being because you know your dog is always on your side. You know they love you more than anything, and you can say the same about them. They are your baby. They are your best friend. They are your everything.