4 Zodiacs Who Are Still Hung Up On Someone From A Long, Long Time Ago
iStockPhoto.com / Leonardo Patrizi

4 Zodiacs Who Are Still Hung Up On Someone From A Long, Long Time Ago

Some zodiacs struggle to heal from past heartbreaks. They will still think about the exes they dated a long time ago, or the crushes that they never had the opportunity to get to know as well as they wanted. Here are the zodiacs who are the most likely to still have feelings for someone who exited their life a long, long time ago:


Once you develop feelings for someone, you can’t make them magically go away. You’re always going to care about this person. It doesn’t matter whether they are still in your life or whether you have zero contact with them because your thoughts are still going to drift toward them every once in a while. They are still going to hold a special place in your heart and your memories. Even though you know that it’s silly to still think about them, and that they have probably forgotten about you a long time ago, you are never going to lose feelings for them completely. You are always going to look back on them fondly. A part of you is always going to miss them and what you once were – or what you could have become.


You struggle to bandage up your heart after it gets shattered – but you would never let anyone know it. You act like you move on quickly, like the people from your past don’t matter to you anymore, but that’s a lie. You have much more trouble moving on than anyone realizes. You stay hung up on exes for longer than you are comfortable admitting to anyone, even your closest friends. There’s a good chance you’ll still be hung up on someone from a long, long time ago because you’ve never given yourself the chance to fully heal from losing them. You’ve never let yourself process the painful emotions, so they’re still trapped inside of you somewhere.


You see the best in everyone you meet. Even when someone has hurt you you choose to focus on the good times you’ve shared instead of dwelling on the ways that they’ve done you wrong. Which is why you might still be hung up on someone from a long, long time ago. You might have lingering feelings that you simply can’t shake, no matter how many years have gone by. A small part of you hopes that you’ll run into a certain someone again someday, but you aren’t going to initiate contact yourself. You aren’t going to chase after them. You accept that they are gone for now – but that doesn’t mean you have to like it.


You have a huge heart that is capable of holding feelings for more than one person. Even though you might have found others that are worthy of your love, that doesn’t mean that you have completely forgotten about certain people from your past. You might still be hung up on them because you cared deeply for them – and feelings like that don’t magically disappear. No matter how much distance is between you, no matter how much time has passed, you still care about them as much as you used to. You still love them, even if you wish you didn’t.