4 Zodiacs Who Should Get In Touch With Their Sensitive Side This January
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4 Zodiacs Who Should Get In Touch With Their Sensitive Side This January

You shouldn’t pretend that you are emotionless because there’s nothing wrong with having strong feelings and sharing them with the people you trust the most – or at least accepting them yourself. Instead of stuffing them away and pretending nothing gets to you, try being honest for a change. Try giving yourself permission to be vulnerable. Here are the zodiacs who should get in touch with their sensitive side this January:


In the past, you have spent way too much time pretending that everything is fine when that wasn’t the case. You have gotten used to putting on an act in front of other people – and sometimes, you even lie to yourself because it’s too tough to admit that you are struggling. But you shouldn’t make a habit out of hiding your feelings away. You should get in touch with your sensitive side this January because there’s no shame in having emotions. There’s no reason to be embarrassed about whatever you’re feeling. You need to start accepting the emotions that are running through you and expressing them openly. You’ll feel better once you do.


Expressing your vulnerability isn’t a weakness. It takes strength to be honest about what you’re going through in life. It’s much harder to voice your thoughts than it is to hide them away, so you should be proud of yourself every single time you share your feelings with the world. Although you usually avoid having emotionally vulnerable conversations, you should get in touch with your sensitive side this January because pretending you’re fine is only a temporary fix. It isn’t a real solution. In order to make real progress, first you have to accept what you’re experiencing. You have to be honest, at least with yourself.


You should get in touch with your sensitive side this January because it’s been a long time since you have let yourself cry. Although you might not want to deal with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, pushing them away isn’t doing you any favors. Your problems are only going to snowball over time. Your feelings are going to come out eventually, and it’s better for you to deal with them in a healthy way now than for you to explode after stuffing everything away for far too long. Even though it’s not easy getting vulnerable in front of others, or even when you’re in your room alone, you need to work on being more honest with yourself. You need to give yourself permission to feel because you are only human.


You usually keep your emotions locked away because you’re the one everyone else turns to when they’re upset. You’re the one who helps them get through their struggles and pain, so you feel like you aren’t allowed to show any pain yourself. But that’s not true. You are allowed to lean on your loved ones the way they always lean on you. Your feelings are not an inconvenience or a burden. They are important to share with the world. You should get in touch with your sensitive side this January because you don’t have to be the strong one all the time. You are allowed to struggle. You are allowed to feel. Don’t stuff your emotions away, thinking you’re doing everyone else a service. You’re only doing yourself a disservice.