4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than In A Boring Relationship
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4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than In A Boring Relationship

Some zodiacs crave reliability and consistency, but other signs are more interested in spontaneity and adventure. They want to experience as much as possible with their partner. They want to go out and have fun whenever they get the chance because sitting at home makes them restless. They would rather be out – and need a partner who feels the same. Here are the zodiacs who would be happier single than in a boring relationship:


You aren’t going to be satisfied going on the same exact dates every weekend. Dinner and a movie is fine every once in a while, but you don’t want it to be the only way you pass the time with your partner. You need more excitement in your relationships. You need a partner who is up for anything, who will agree to try new things with you instead of insisting on doing the same thing night after night. You would be happier single than in a boring, predictable relationship because you don’t want to feel like you’re being held back by your person. You don’t want to feel like your independence is being stripped away. You want to go out and have fun with them the same way you would be doing without them.


You would be happier single than in a boring relationship that is too predictable because you aren’t a creature of habit. You don’t like to stick to a strict schedule. You prefer to switch things up. You want to spend your weekends going on wild adventures and expanding your knowledge of the world, not sitting inside doing nothing. You need a partner who is up for anything, who will tag along with you instead of insisting that you stay in. You can’t get stuck in too rigid of a routine or you are going to feel restless. You need to create fun, exciting memories with your person, whether you’ve been together for weeks or years or decades.


You are an adventurer at heart. You are always striving to create new connections and embark on new experiences because you want to make the most out of every single day that you spend on this earth. You don’t want to get too complacent because you don’t want to stop growing. You want to continuously challenge yourself. You would rather be single than in a boring relationship because you’re looking for a spectacular love. You aren’t interested in settling down with the first person who is nice to you. You want a partner who fits you and your lifestyle well. A partner who can give you everything that you desire and more.


You are always on the move. You rarely stop to rest because you don’t want to waste a second of your time. You want to make the most out of every moment because sitting around doesn’t bring you any satisfaction. It only makes you feel restless and unfulfilled. Which is why you like to pack your schedule with as much as possible. Since you’re such a go-getter, you would be happier single than in a boring relationship because you want a partner who is on the same page as you. You want them to be as enthusiastic about trying new things as you are.