4 Zodiacs Who Are Happier Single Than In A Secretive Relationship
Brooke Shemaria

4 Zodiacs Who Are Happier Single Than In A Secretive Relationship

Only hanging out in private might be fine early on, but once a relationship gets serious, that probably won’t be the case anymore. No one wants to feel like their partner is embarrassed of them – and no one deserves to feel that way. Here are the zodiacs who would be happier single than in a relationship that is secretive for no good reason:


You aren’t interested in being anyone’s little secret. If someone only wants to spend time with you in private and never explains why, then your alarm bells are going to go off. You are going to wonder whether they are secretly dating someone else too, or whether they aren’t as serious about you as you are about them. Either way, it’s not a good situation. You aren’t willing to lower your standards to be with someone who tries to hide you away. You are a catch. You expect to be treated as such.


When you’re seeing someone, you want to shout your love from the rooftops. You want to share your happiness with everyone that you know. And you want your partner to have the same energy. You want them to be excited to be seen with you, excited to talk about you, excited to start a future with you. You don’t want to be their little secret. You don’t want to hang out in their apartment, and stay hidden away instead of going out and exploring the world together. You don’t want to feel like they are embarrassed of you, or like they aren’t ready to get serious with you. You would rather be alone than with someone who isn’t as wild about you as you are about them.


When you’re dating someone, you want your worlds to overlap. You want to take them out to meet your friends, and you want to meet their friends. You want to celebrate holidays together, and have dinner with each other’s families. You want to really get involved in each other’s lives so you can get to know each other on an even more intimate level. If your person isn’t interested in introducing you to the other people that they care about, then you are going to feel like you aren’t that important to them. You are going to wonder why they are keeping you away from everyone, and if they have secrets they aren’t sharing. You would rather be single than stuck with someone who is keeping you at arm’s length.


You don’t need to constantly post about your partner on social media. You don’t need to share your love story with the whole world. But you do need to share it with the people who matter. You do need an official label on the relationship. You do need to feel like you are important to this other person, not like you’re a convenient option that they’re only spending time with until the next person comes along. You would rather be single than with someone who wants to keep your relationship hidden without a solid reason.