4 Zodiacs Who Won't Just Tell You What You Want To Hear
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Just Tell You What You Want To Hear

Some people are going to tell you exactly what you want to hear in order to avoid confrontation or to make you like them more. But others aren’t going to say what you want to hear, just because it’s easier. They are going to speak the truth, even when it’s awkward and uncomfortable. Here are the zodiacs who aren’t going to say what you want to hear because they only speak the truth:


This sign is blunt about their feelings. They aren’t going to sugarcoat what they have to say or lie to your face because they believe in telling the truth even when it’s hard. They aren’t afraid of having tough conversations because they love you and respect you enough to give it to you straight. Although they might not always feel comfortable saying the words others are too afraid to say, they wouldn’t be able to live with themselves for lying to you. They pride themselves on their honesty, so what they say is what they mean. There are no hidden messages when it comes to them. You can take their words at face value.


This sign won’t just tell you what you want to hear because they don’t care about people-pleasing. They don’t care whether others like them. They don’t care how they come across at all. If you don’t like the real them, then they don’t want to deal with you either. This sign is brutally honest about everything that pops into their head. They would never lie to you. They tell the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable because they don’t see the point in lying. They would rather be real and authentic. They would rather speak the truth.


This sign isn’t going to tell you what you want to hear in order to make you like them more. They are going to be truthful because they wouldn’t want to fool you. They wouldn’t want to give you the wrong impression about their personality or their intentions. They are authentic. They are going to be their real selves, even if there’s a chance you aren’t going to like it. They would rather be honest with the world about who they are than put on an act. This sign doesn’t play pretend. They don’t set out to lie or deceive. They aways speak directly from the heart. Sometimes this can get them in trouble but they would rather be real than fake.


This sign isn’t going to tell you what you want to hear, just to make you happy. They aren’t that manipulative. Even when they know what they have to say will upset you or disappoint you, they would rather be honest. They aren’t going to set out to trick you. They aren’t going to lie through their teeth in order to look better to you. They will tell it like it is in every situation. They will be brutally honest about their thoughts and opinions because lying doesn’t suit them. Although they won’t always tell you what you want to hear, they will always give you the truth. You can trust them to be real with you one thousand percent of the time.