4 Zodiacs Who Are The Most Playful Flirts
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4 Zodiacs Who Are The Most Playful Flirts

Every zodiac has a different flirting style. Some people are going to be more serious when they give out compliments and ask their crushes on dates, while others will be more playful and fun. Here are the zodiacs who are the most playful flirts, who will tease you and aim to make you laugh in order to get on your good side:


When you flirt, you are incredibly playful. You tease the other person and act like a little kid on the playground. Unfortunately, this means that some people will mistake your teasing as genuine nastiness and assume you don’t like them at all when you’re secretly interested in dating them. However, when you find someone who matches your flirting style, you could banter back and forth with them for hours. You could play fight or talk about the silliest, nonsensical topics until the sun comes up in the morning. With the right person, flirting is the most fun you can possibly have.


When you flirt, you are incredibly playful because you never take yourself too seriously. You would rather hint at your attraction than come right out and admit that you have feelings for another person. You would rather tease them and give them fun little compliments than pull them aside and have a genuine heart-to-heart about how strong your feelings are for them. You aren’t going to be that emotionally vulnerable with a stranger. You are going to test the waters first. You are going to see how well you banter, how well you balance each other out. The mushy stuff will come later, once you’re officially in a relationship.   


You are a playful flirt who uses a lot of teasing, inside jokes, and sarcasm. You aren’t going to walk up to someone and tell them how incredible they look or how much you like them because that approach is far too blunt for you. It isn’t any fun – and quite frankly, it’s intimidating. Since you feel uncomfortable speaking directly from the heart, you will poke a little fun at them instead. You will joke around with them and get them laughing harder than they’ve ever laughed before. You are going to appeal to them through their sense of humor because you want a partner who you have fun with anyway.


You are a playful flirt who doesn’t take yourself too seriously. After all, you believe flirting should be fun for everyone involved. It should feel like a fun game where everybody wins. Even if you don’t end up with a relationship at the end of the day, you at least want to have a fun time while it lasts. You want to create some nice memories for the both of you to look back on fondly. That’s why you always try your best to enjoy the moment with the other person instead of thinking too hard about what the future might hold for the two of you. You try to keep things fun and lighthearted. You try to stay positive and carefree.