Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Facing An Inner Conflict On January 5


You can’t let yourself admit that someone else is right, even though you know with your entire being that they are. No matter how shitty or frivolous the hill is, you’re ready to die on it because you can’t humble yourself enough to lose face in front of this person. Be it a nemesis, an ex, or a rival if anyone else was in their shoes you’d be able to reasonable about the whole affair, but in life we all come across that one person who makes us act like a complete lunatic for no reason other than our own inner pettiness. You know the moment will come in which your last sputtering attempts at debate are finally thwarted, but it’s more likely you’ll shrivel up into the fetal position than admit you are in the wrong here.                           


You don’t want to do it just because someone else told you to. It needs to get done, and you know you’re the person who needs to do it, but you can’t bring yourself to carry out the deed because you don’t want to feel like you’re following someone else’s orders. That free spirit of yours can be such a slave to circumstance at times, and you know if nothing had been said you would have sent the package, vacuumed the carpet, made the phone call, or any other indiscriminate task of limited importance. A little more cooperation and less principal on your part would be appreciated. You are still an independent, freethinking individual, even if you let someone call the shots this once.


You’re figuratively tapping your toe, just itching to break out in a fully choreographed dance number, but refuse to in the name of trying to play it cool in front of everyone, Taurus. There is a freak flag inside of you that is just dying to fly if you only give it a chance. You know you’ll either find enough charisma to commit and totally crush it, or let your trepidation hold you back and bomb in front of everyone, so you’re letting this huge opportunity pass you by because you’re too afraid to find out which it will be. They don’t call it a performance if no one is watching. It’s time to push past the audition nerves.


You refuse to be the one who says it first, Aquarius, so you allow this gigantic elephant in the room to remain there, unannounced and unacknowledged. Whether you have idiotically and uncontrollably fallen in love with someone, or you’re out of toilet paper, you’re waiting for the other person to take that first step and speak up. It’s not fair to anyone involved, and a childish way to approach equally urgent predicaments. Open your mouth, and get past this preoccupation with being the one who rips the bandaid off. The problem needs to be solved one way or another. You may as well find out whether you’re on your own or if someone is willing to help you solve it together.